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I know you are a fan but I really enjoyed talking to you and I want to know you better as a friend

And how do you suggest that?

By giving me your number


Text message from unknown

U:Hey it's Niall
I: hey niall

[Change unknown to Irish princess]

Liked by Mitra Mesya and 6,000,153 othersIshita_olsen✓ 21 baby

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Liked by Mitra Mesya and 6,000,153 others
Ishita_olsen✓ 21 baby. I can finally order alcohol in America. Anyway thank you for all the birthday wishes I received today. Also thank you mama for making a four person party fun. My best friend Aria-russel made me the gorgeous dress while the nails are from babebeauty pastle line.

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Irish princess: happy birthday, didn't know it was your birthday but I hope you had an amazing day.
Ishita: talking to you and Louis was the best part of my birthday. So thank you for making it the best day without realising it.

[Open message from louist91]
Hi love, I hope you had an amazing day yesterday

Hi, I love you so much and talking to you and Niall was the best part. It made my day and I was in tears for ages.

 It made my day and I was in tears for ages

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Liked by Billie Eilish and 6,329,075 othersIshita_olsen✓Shorty a lil' baddie (she a lil' baddie)Shorty my lil' boo thing (boo thing)And shorty got the fatty

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Liked by Billie Eilish and 6,329,075 others
Shorty a lil' baddie (she a lil' baddie)
Shorty my lil' boo thing (boo thing)
And shorty got the fatty

Starting of 21 with a bang. I'm official an adult and gonna have one last year to be crazy and me before I get serious and show the world who's boss. I ain't taking a step back for nobody and ain't bowing down in front of nobody for nobody except for God.

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(Chloe singing leave the door open)

Liked by Chloebailey and 7,428,026 others
Ishita_olsen since you guys have been asking to hear me sing here is a cover of ima leave the door open. The full cover is on my channel. This took me at least fifty takes to get right if not more

Yara shahidi that run 😍
User6853 queen
User10364920 this is one of my favourite songs and your voice sounds so good on it
User3925444 remix has queen
User142 I think you dropped this 👑

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(Chloe's voice is so amazing like if I had her voice I would constantly sing. Before you wonder no she is not going to drop everything to become a singer she still wants to peruse aeronautical engineering that is her dream job.)

Irish princess: you never told me you can sing like that. Your putting everyone to shame.
Ishita: 1- you didn't ask, 2-thank you but I am not a singer just someone who has had several years of vocal coach because of a hobby.

Niall and Louis

Ni:what the fuck how can she sing like that?
Lo:with her mouth
Ni:you know what I mean. I thought you could only have two out of brains,looks and talent so why does she have all three?
Lo:Ni because your crush is out of your league, she might even be out of mine and that is saying something
Ni:not a crush and secondly very funny it's almost as bad as Harry's jokes.
Lo:how dare you, how can you compare me with that monstrosity.

The lads
Participants{Nialler, boo bear, hazza, payno and zaynie}

Boo bear: littler nialler here has a crush
Attached screenshots
Nialler: Lou you know it is not a crush
P&Z: definitely a crush
Hazza:hey my jokes are amazing. Mitch thinks so and the fans do as well but Niall mate that is a crush.
Zaynie:what does she look like
Boo bear:

Hazza:what's her Instagram name?Nialler:no Harry you'll accidentally like her pictures or something then she will know something is up because she knows me and talked to Louis also she is the fan that chased you in ManchesterHazza:so that is why s...

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Hazza:what's her Instagram name?
Nialler:no Harry you'll accidentally like her pictures or something then she will know something is up because she knows me and talked to Louis also she is the fan that chased you in Manchester
Hazza:so that is why she looked familiar
Zaynie:her name is Ishita right or am I looking at the wrong person
Nialler:how did you find out?
Zaynie:well you were talking about singing a cover so I went on Twitter saw the song was trending and searched up the song and saw her Instagram come up.
Boo bear: you really did that, I don't fucking believe that you and Harry have no idea on how to use a phone your both helpless in that department. So who was it?
Zaynie: well I showed the picture to Gigi who asked Bella who found out after someone had reposted her cover.
Also nialler your crush is way out of your league, she is studying at MIT and is immensely talented and charitable. Plus she is bi so your chance decreases by like 50%. But I mean you never know so I say go for it. Tell me how it goes am going to make ribs for Gigi, pregnancy hormones and all that.
Boo bear:.....
Boo bear:I see how it is I'm your favourite til Zayn comes along. You were shouting at me for calling her your crush yet you say nothing to Zayn
Hazza:shut up you big baby
Boo bear:what are you doing?
Payno:sorry, the dog took my phone what did I miss?
Nialler:just read up
Payno:wow, so what kind of feelings do you have towards her if not a crush plus she can sing
Nialler:none. I don't have feelings for her
Boo bear:well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning
Hazza: it's alright Niall just take some deep breaths and breath out

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