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[Ire.land is requesting to follow Astraphysics] [accept or decline]

Who is this?

A secret admirer

U don't know who I am so how can you be a secret admirer. If it is one of those scams your wasting your time.

[Block Ire.land from the account astraphysics] [yes or no] [you will no longer receive a message from this account]

Hold on its me Niall
Can you see them
Oh I guess you've blocked me
So it's just me, myself and I
I guess I can confess my feelings to yo without you ever knowing
I really like you and want to be more than friends but I guess you don't return the same thought

Fake lover: hey, are you back in town my family wants to meet you again. I tried to say your busy but they want to meet you
Ishita: how long are we going to continue this charade for???
Fake lover: meet them one last time and then I'll say after summer we broke up after we decided we were better off as friends
Ishita: alright. So when do they want to meet?
Fake lover: come over tomorrow and bring a bathing suit. It will a barbecue so anything you want or don't want?
Ishita: I'm fine with what ever. But the bathing suit how should it be like a one piece suit or a bikini but then how much skin would be alright because I don't want everyone leering at me. Especially your older brother, he gives off creepy vibes
Fake lover: your not the only one to think that and as long as your comfortable in it, its fine.

 Especially your older brother, he gives off creepy vibesFake lover: your not the only one to think that and as long as your comfortable in it, its fine

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♥️ Liked by Hailee steinfield and 45,780,567 othersIshita_olsen✓ poolside #HaileeXFrankies

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♥️ Liked by Hailee steinfield and 45,780,567 others
Ishita_olsen✓ poolside #HaileeXFrankies

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♥️ Liked by Selena Gomez and 64,578,468 others
Ishita_olsen✓ watch my skincare and makeup routine on vogue.
(When she is talking about her experiences imagine that Ishita story is being told rather than avani's)

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User5553 so people like her are now part of vogue. Well done vogue, you've done the impossible and hit a new low.
>User689 yet she looks better than most celebrities that do this
>User5553 exactly celebrity which she isn't
>User689 whatever keep on hating I can't be bothered to keep on arguing with you

>User689 yet she looks better than most celebrities that do this>User5553 exactly celebrity which she isn't>User689 whatever keep on hating I can't be bothered to keep on arguing with you

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♥️ Liked by Elijah Jordan and 55,004,784 others
Ishita_olsen✓ home sweet home

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User5006 is that sebastian penthouse??
>User245 no, I think it might be her own house which she was talking about buying
>User2116 but how could she afford it because it looks like it's in Manhattan
>User376 from sponsorship and ads because of her following she probably earns quite a bit also her YouTube channel which is popular
>User1246 what did she do that she became popular? Is it like those TikTok stars who dance
>User11134 nah bro, she got famous because she is friends with the marvel cast
>User376 you do realise that she already had a couple of celebs following her. She was already verified before she interacted with the marvel cast
>User80009 so people get mad at TikTokers because they danced their way to fame and Ishita did nothing must be nice to get money for doing absolutely nothing.
>User5006 why do we have to look at everything with negativity. Her followings increased because she became friends with them. She then made money through it. Let her live her life, man she is studying on the side let her be
>User80009 just because she is studying at MIT doesn't mean she deserves it
>User5006 stop being jealous of a 22 year old. She graduated and is living her life I don't think she cares about you. Also look at her previous post she already had deals with clothing brands that she does now, except she gets paid more because of the following

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