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Ishita_olsen✓ I'm going to be doing a Q&A so send in any questions you guys have and I'll answer them

Sent questions will be in italics

"Hey guys so I'm going to be doing a Q&A. Jesse stop moving the camera leave it on the stand. So Jess will be reading out the questions from you guys and we'll see how many we can answer."

"Alright this one digs straight in are you single?"

"Not exactly but at the same time I'm not taken"

"Number two if you were in a horror movie what would you do? "

"Let's be honest I can't run to save my life so I something was coming I would lay down and wait for it to kill me or kill myself. But I would not mess around with anything. The first sign of something strange, I'm sorry but I'm out of there. If you choose to stay thats on you babe not on me."

"Yet your the one who forces me to watch horror movies almost every night"

"Just ask the next question"

"Alright, if you were stuck on a desert island what would you bring with you?"

"I would order a boat take that with me, a book on how to man the thing and a bunch of food."

"What you going to do kayak you way across the ocean?"

"If I have to yes I would"

"What is your personality type?"

"I've done all the test but I can't remember sorry."

"Can you show us the unreleased merch?"

"I would if I could but I still don't have it. I'm still waiting for it."

"What is one song that is stuck in your head that you wish wasn't?"

"Um I don't think I have one right but songs that usually get stuck are either dancing queen, Young wild and free basically anything catchy"

"One place you want to travel to?"

"Greece , Italy or Egypt are definitely my top three"

"What is the most stupidest thing youve done?"

"There is so many to choose from but I would say when I was younger there was a intruder who entered the building and I was scared shitless so I pulled the fire alarm and ran out the building through the front door and accidentally pulled the lock so all exits were locked. As you can imagine all the students and teachers were locked in the building with the intruder the fire alarm blaring in the back and no way to get out"

"What Harry potter house do you belong to?"

"Either Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. I took the test four times and ended up with those so I don't know."

"What is your comfort show?"

"When I'm generally sad I'll watch full house or friends or that 70s show. But if I miss my brother or family then Winnie the Pooh"

"Are you going to have a modeling contract?"

"No, because I don't think I could take care of my body 24/7 because that is part of the job. Also I'd rather eat something greasy and get a little chub then I would restrict my self to small portions and salads"

"What should we expect next?"

"Nothing is set in stone but I do have a couple of things I am currently working on"

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