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The lads

Hazza: Niall the article better not be true
Zaynie: I can't believe you would do that to her. Weren't you saying she is the love of your life and you've got a ring for her. What happened?
Nialler: what are you two on about? All the noise from the chat is making my heard hurt
Payno: it's probably karma
Nialler: what's happened now
Hazza: open link
Boo bear: honestly lad I don't know what to say. What happened to Niall the church boy?
Nialler: that's bullshit
She won't pick up my calls
Zaynie: that's because sebastian has her phone
Nialler: how do you know that?
Zaynie: selena's there and Gigi asked about her
Nialler: they won't let me in
Payno: give it a day then talk to her. She's probably heartbroken
Boo bear: in the meantime try to find ways to prove this all wrong
Nialler: alright thanks lads but Tara doesn't believe me as well and she was with me most of the time
Zaynie: I would offer that you come to my house but Gigi would be pissed and keep me in the dog house especially since she just passed the first trimester so her hormones are all over the place.
Payno: I'm in Texas
Hazza: you can come stay with me but make sure you don't get identified. Ishita is friends with Kenny and she'd probably come for my head as well as yours with the rest of the Kardashians  and the rest of their friends. Plus my girlfriend wouldn't be to happy knowing I'm letting a cheater into our home
Nialler: not a cheater
Hazza: yeah but she doesn't know that.


justice for Ishita

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Hailee steinfield wow, I've come on here after a week and can I say that the articles who talk about Niall cheating are using some pictures from when we were together. I don't usually defend an ex but these pictures are of me when we were dating

 I don't usually defend an ex but these pictures are of me when we were dating

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➥ the rest I can't speak for but these pictures are old

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➥ the rest I can't speak for but these pictures are old. So please don't believe lies. As for the rest I can't say who they are but don't use my pictures to create drama everything me and Niall had is left in the past and I wish him and Ishita the best of luck.

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The lads

Boo bear: now only a couple more left to disapprove
Nialler: what do you mean?
Zaynie: Hailee tweeted that some of the pictures were her. For how you lot ended, that was nice on her part
Nialler: yeah, she was a wonderful girl and I wish things could've changed so it didn't end the way it did but only a couple more, but I can't remember where they're from.
Hazza: try the one with the eyewitness with the purple jumper

Hailee steinfield stands up for ex during cheating rumours

See 48 article similar to this


Hey, I know you probably won't answer this straight away but when you do get the message please send me a reply

Is there something I can help with?

I have a question about your relationship with Niall
Did he ever cheat on you?

No, but things didn't end smoothly between us. So I won't say he's an angel but he's never cheated on me
I know this might seem like a hard truth but he is a pop star and they often have flings while on tour, they do give into temptation sometimes.

Thank you

How are you? I know from friends that have been cheated on by popstars it was the worse feeling in the world

I'm doing okay
Selena told me about justin
It's the risk of letting someone into your heart, there is a possibility they will break it but I thought Niall was my happy ever after

So did a couple of girls
I wish you all the best

Thank you
I hope you find someone who you love and cherish you

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