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Liked by Elijah Jordan and 10,000,004 othersIshita_olsen✓ a couple of days ago was the last day Coco stayed on this earth before she made her way amongst the stars and back to Griffin

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Liked by Elijah Jordan and 10,000,004 others
Ishita_olsen✓ a couple of days ago was the last day Coco stayed on this earth before she made her way amongst the stars and back to Griffin. Coco has been my companion and friend through my whole life and to see her gone feels like a part of me is missing and incomplete. Coco my dog was one of my first supporters with her aura that radiated kindness and comfort. I finally got the courage to go and get a chrysanthemums flower on my wrist in her memory. Thank you so much to the tattoo artist who stopped every time I was hit with a memory before sobbing. Thank you for your kind words areely for your comfort and being a mental shoulder to cry on. Also thank you for doing my  second tattoo and I am glad that it was done with you.

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Irish princess: hey, how are you?
Ishita: numb, I just miss her so much and now I'm gonna have to learn to live without her. How am I supposed to do that?
Irish princess: hey, losing someone is never easy no matter how close you are. So it is normal to feel numb when someone close to your heart passes. Let her live through your happy memories, don't supress your time with her let her live for ever through words and memories
Ishita: thank you
Irish princess: take all the time you need until you feel okay. If you ever need someone to talk to I'm here and I know your friends and family are there as well to help.

Seb: drăguţ, how are you? I know we've only had a conversation but if you ever want an outsider view you call always talk to me.
Ishita: thank you, just trying to get my head over the past few days. It just seems like a nightmare that is never ending.
Seb: im sure she was an amazing soul, can you tell me about her? It might help you feel better and it's okay to cry.

I've had her since I was around 10

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I've had her since I was around 10. I just lost my dad and went back into my shell and wouldn't speak or talk to anyone. Then mum came home with two golden retriever puppies that were three months old. Coco and Griffin. She was in a way a support dog and help drive out the dark and always made me smile but after a year Griffin passed away and he couldn't be saved and I grew really attached to Coco, all of my happy memories include her and I'm not sure how to live without her. She was my soulmate, she understood me in a way nobody could and now I'm alone again.
Seb: I'm sure she is looking down at you from the stars and is still there to guide you if you believe her spirit is with you.
Ishita: thank you, it felt like I've lifted some of the pain talking about her and you listened to me despite not knowing me thank you
Seb: I know your a person who loves deeply, is caring, generous, hard working and deserving of the whole world and some day you'll find a person who will be my competition.
Ishita: yours never Bucky. I'll always choose Bucky over anyone. I can do it all day.
Seb: good lord don't tell me you enjoy horrible jokes
Ishita: excuse me I've got great taste in jokes Mr meme
Seb: you'd get along with Chris very well
Ishita: oh the boob grab
Seb: so is Bucky your favourite character
Ishita: yeah, especially the long hair and when it's in slow motion. I think Bucky should be part of a hair advert. Oh do you think marvel are looking for people who come with ways to promote things cause I'm free
Seb: I'll ask the next time I'm on set
Ishita: once again thank you
Seb: your welcome drăguţ. I'm happy to help anytime.

 I'm happy to help anytime

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Liked by Sebastian Stan and 9,035,638 others Ishita_olsen✓ Griffen and Coco my two angels that are reunited in the stars thank you for all the memories you made with me

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Liked by Sebastian Stan and 9,035,638 others
Ishita_olsen✓ Griffen and Coco my two angels that are reunited in the stars thank you for all the memories you made with me. They are memories that I will always cherish my whole life.

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