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Christmas Day

Christmas Day

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Liked by Elijah Jordan and 34,799,356 othersIshita_olsen✓ Merry Christmas or happy celebrations those celebrating Louis Tomlinson birthday

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Liked by Elijah Jordan and 34,799,356 others
Ishita_olsen✓ Merry Christmas or happy celebrations those celebrating Louis Tomlinson birthday. I hope you have an amazing day celebrating with your loved ones in what ever ways you can. So thankful for everything in my life and everyone. And hope everyone who is not celebrating has an amazing day

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Ishita_olsen✓ merry Christmas to those celebrating the birth of Jesus or louist91 and to those not celebrating have a nice day.

Couple of hours before the post

"Seb wake up" Ishita sang out. "Seb it's Christmas wake up stop sleeping you old man" Ishita complained as she shook him. "What? Let me sleep for a couple more minutes" Sebastian voiced was muffled beneath the duvet. "But it's Christmas and you have to get up come on I won't leave till you wake up" "Alright I'm getting up" Sebastian said as he dragged himself out of bed. After brushing his teeth and washing his face Sebastian went into the living room where Ishita sat near the Christmas tree.

"This is your main gift so you have to open this first" "okay what is it? It seems like a book" "just open it and see" Sebastian unwrapped the paper surrounding the present to reveal a first edition hardback of The catcher in the rye with small notes in the margins by J. D. Salinger and was also signed. "I don't know what to say, but I love it" Sebastian exclaimed as he brought Ishita into a hug.

(Apparently the catcher in the rye is one of Sebastian favourite books but if it is not I do apologize and you can swap out the name)

"Where did you even find a copy like this?" "Let's just say about a couple of days on the internet and arguing with an old lady to get it. The rest of the gifts are my way of saying thank you for letting me stay here" "anytime drăguţ, now open yours" Sebastian handed her two rectangular shaped presents. "It comes in two parts" Ishita peeled away the paper from the first present to reveal a vinyl record player "No, you didn't, the next one is not what I think it is, I'm going to cry if it is" "just open it" she opened the wrapping paper to reveal all of Whitney Houston albums in vinyl. "I know you wanted this for ages, so you can finally listen to your dad's favourite albums but also so you can start building up your own" "thank you seb, god I'm going to cry" Ishita said before slumping forward and crying in Sebastian arms. They stayed like that for a couple of minutes before Ishita phone rang. "Common dry your tears and then answer the man child who is waiting for you to pick up"


"I've waited for two weeks to do this, who sends the presents this early" "me, Chris you got a problem?" "No, hi how are you? Oh we're good and yourself? Yeah." "Yeah but there are more important things at hand I need to know what you got me. What did she get you?" Sebastian held up the book showing the little notes and signature "I can't wait for mine. Did she like the present then?" "Yeah, I was in tears, go on open yours" Chris ripped open the wrapping paper to reveal the football which the New England patriots won the last superbowl. "So what do you think?" "Is this the real one?" "Yeah" "I love it thank you" "your welcome, I'm gonna open yours now" Ishita ripped away the wrapping paper to reveal Captain America sheild with a note from the avengers cast mates and their signatures. "You can't tell anyone about it because I sort of stole it off set so they had to make a new one. So the one I used in the movies is in your hands" "I'm gonna frame this. Thanks Chris I'll let you talk to Sebastian now. Merry Christmas" "you too also Dodger loved his toy so thank you for that" "no problemo" "hey Chris, how are you man.."

As the two continued talking Ishita picked up the wrapping paper around the room before depositing it in the bin. She noticed her present from Niall and was unsure on whether to open it or not. Deciding against it, she went to her room and began to videocall her family.

An hour after the post

Irish princess: your up merry Christmas. How has your day been so far?
Ishita: it's been great. How is yours? I know your still in London and not in Ireland.
Irish princess: yeah it's been fine. Have you opened the gift I sent you?
Ishita: no, because I've been busy and was going to get round to doing it. I can open it now if you'll like?
Irish princess: yeah if that is okay.

Ishita answered Niall's call as she showed her self and the gift Niall had sent. She slowly unwrapped the gift as she was met with a black box. She slowly opened it and saw the bracelet. "Oh god, it is gorgeous. It makes me feel bad on what I sent you because I wanted to get something but I was out bidded so I sent you the ring and perfume not that you smell bad, you smell amazing" "don't worry I like it" "you do?" "Yeah 'you coming niall' right I've got to go but merry Christmas and thank you for the gift" "you too" and with that the call ended.


The lads

Nialler: so she liked her gift
Hazza: which one did you end up giving her?

(Let's be honest I don't think Zayn or Harry would have chosen the first option because they are the most fashionable about of the five but I need it to be equal and Louis and Liam would not chose that either)

Nialler: Option two. Also she sent me something in return.
Zaynie: what??

Zaynie: what??Nialler:

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Zaynie: they're not bad, I would wear them myselfBoo bear: well she's got good taste and sent you back something

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Zaynie: they're not bad, I would wear them myself
Boo bear: well she's got good taste and sent you back something. Most people wouldn't simply because you have money and so don't know what to get you that you can't yourself.

(Can I say how hard it was thinking of things to gift famous people because what do you get them? So if you want to replace anything with something else that is fine because I am shit at giving gifts)

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