Chapter Thirty-Three

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I was in the same apartment as Kendall Burgess. At the sight of her blonde hair, all attractions I felt for Nikki vanished as quickly as they arrived. I stepped around her and hurried out the door, trying to catch up with Kendall. But the girl was fast; in her car and speeding away before I closed the door.

"Ladies, look alive out there! C'mon!" Coach Hubbs' exasperated shout yanked me out of my trance. I squeezed my eyes shut and focused on the crunches we were doing, disappearing in the familar burn. We have a scrimmage tomorrow against UCLA and Coach was hellbent on making us sorry for lacking in practice today. I saw him walking slowly through the lines of crunching guys, his hands clenched behind his back. When he neared, I focused on perfecting each crunch.

He continued. "Most of you are here because you were scouted and got a full ride schloarship. But the ballpaying I've seen today is highschool JV baseball worthy...hardly. Ridiculous!" His voice raised to a shout near the end, and I cringed inwardly. I am working my butt off in school and on the field. I hope it's showing.

I focused on the blue sky, letting the ache and sweat take over my emotions.


I slung my bag over my shoulder as I headed to the parking lot after practice, my entire body aching. The sun was just starting to dip behind the moutains, making the earth appear to be grey. Cole was walking a few steps behind me, but we awknowledged each other in silence. Practice today was beyond gruesome.

Just as I unlocked my car and tossed my bag in the backseat, I happened to look over the top of my car and see a mop of blonde hair on a bench below a lilac tree across the large parking lot. My heart skipped a few beats, but I forced myself to calm down. It could be any blonde haired girl sitting on that bench. Besides, the girl didn't have anything with her. Kendall would of had fifty different books and notebooks, occupying all her free time.

But the girl looked up and silenced my internal babbling. I would notice those crystal eyes anywhere, even 500 feet across a parking lot. As if to confirm it was her, she got to her feet and hurried away, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.



I don't know what compelled me to sit through Erick's practice and wait for him after. But, like always, my grudge-holding wore off halfway through Anatomy. So what if Erick was flirting with another girl? I hadn't seen him in ages. Did I really expect him to come back begging for me?

Doesn't mean Kelsey and Nikki are on my good list now.

He's back. Erick helped me through the toughest time of my life. Even if there was nothing romantic between us anymore, I couldn't lose him as a friend with him being so close. So I parked myself on a bench far enough away so he couldn't see me if I decided to bail. I made it through the entire two hours; unfortunately forgetting homework or anything but my nerves not allowing me to go fetch it.

Until I saw the guys streaming out of the field, wandering to their cars like zombies. I picked out Erick immediately, his tan skin a stark contrast against Cole's snow-skin. I watched him walk all the way to his car and bend down to toss his bag in the backseat. Feeling like a stalker and unable to move from my spot, I looked away...until my eyes dragged right back to him to find him staring directly at me. My heart leaped to my throat and my palms started to sweat.

Without thinking, I got to my feet and started off towards my car, parked only a couple hundred feet away. But Erick was fast.

"Kendall! Kendall, wait!"

I slowed to a snail crawl but didn't turn around. I heard his feet slap onto the pavement, gradually getting louder until he skidded in front of me, a big smile on his face. He wrapped his arms around me and lifted me off the ground, spinning once until he felt me tense up. He set me down carefully, his eyes searching my face. "Hey, Ken. How are you?"

I couldn't believe I was talking to him and not staring at the picture of us during a completely different time. It was if my eyes couldn't bear to look away from his handsome face and concerned dark eyes. His voice was thick with an accent that made him seem even more sexy, making my heart melt.

I half-smiled and wrapped my arms around my torso. "Um. I'm great. When did you come back?"

"Last week. Baseball scholarship." Pride filled his voice and I coudln't help but smile. Before I could ask him one of the million questions I had, his smile suddenly widened.

"Are you busy?"

"Um, no but-"

"Come back to my uncle's with me. I can make you dinner. Hope you like Mexican." Loaded question, eh. I couldn't help but giggle at his wink.

Erick placed a hand between my shoulder blades and I allowed him to guide me towards his car. I know I should say no; refuse and get in my car and drive back to the apartment. But my brain was refusing to allow me to do so; my heart was the dictator in this.

Like always. I hope it didn't have devastating consequences this time.

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