Chapter Thirty-Five

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The song for this chapter is A Drop In The Ocean by Ron Pope.


I don't think Kendall nor I uttered another word. At first, I hesitated to tell her how messed up my dad was and how he ruined things. But sitting here with her tiny body pressed against my chest and providing me with comfort, I knew I made the right decision. The silence wasn't awkward; far from it. I rested my cheek on top of her head and tightened my arms around her.

I don't know where Kendall and I stand; I want another chance with her more than I want to breath. I feel amazing when I'm around her...invincible, even. Like nothing this world could throw at me would phase me the slightest. I knew the moment I loved her when I looked in those bright blue eyes and saw the world..and when I saw her eyes everywhere in the world. 

Kendall wiggled in my arms and I lifted my cheek off of her head. She looked at me and half-smiles, showing off her deep dimple. The sun had fully dipped behind the ocean, causing the world to appear a smoky gray. A wind picked up and blew Kendall's hair across her face, causing goosebumps to rise on her arms. I shrugged off my blazer and draped it around her shoulders before getting to my feet and helping her up.

With one last glance over her shoulder at the ocean, Kendall trailed her hand down my arm and intertwined her small fingers with mine. I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face as we picked our way down the cliff and to my car.



After Erick dropped me off at the baseball stadium for me to retrieve my car, I was still riding off the high from the perfect night with him. I was so oblivious that I totally forgot my grudge against my roomates as I floated through the door, dropping my keys in the wicker basket. 

Nikki and Kelsey were sitting on the barstools, mouths dropped in shock as they stared at me. Shoot. I forgot I hadn't been home in a couple of days and was ignoring them hardcore. I struggled to find the anger I felt towards them, but it vanished. I sighed as a smile spread across my face. 

"Hey, guys-" I couldn't finish my sentence before Kelsey flew off her chair and jumped into my arms. 

"I'm so sorry, Kendi." She whispered into my hair. Nikki slowly got to her feet and smiled sadly at me. 

"Ditto, Burgess." 

I grinned and pulled back to look into Kelsey's miserable face. "It's fine, guys. I think I have officially reached a new level of longest grudge-holding."

Nikki laughed as Kelsey rolled her eyes and playfully shoved my shoulder. "Yeah, that was horrible. I wasn't sure if you were even going to continue living with us." 

It was my turn to roll my eyes. "C'mon, Kels. You know me well enough I couldn't be mad at you that long." 

I made my way over to sit on a barstool as Kelsey slid back into hers. "Okay Kendall, spill. You are, like, overly happy." 

I looked past Kelsey to stare at Nikki, who raised her eyebrows and nodded vigorously. I bursted out laughing and pushed my bangs out of my face. 

"I hung out with Erick today. He took me to this, like, cliff peir thing. The sun was setting behind the ocean and it was just breathtaking. I think...I think we may be dating again?"

Their eyes widened and Kelsey squeled. "Omigod, Kendall! That is so romantic." Her grin slipped into a frown. "Why the hell hasn't Cole ever took me somewhere that special?" Nikki met my eyes and we both laughed at her suddenly PO'd face. 

"Speaking of boyfriends.." Nikki reached over to the fruit bowl and grabbed an apple, taking a bite. "I have one."

"What?!" I gasped, winking. 

"Austin Taylor." Kelsey said slowly, drawing it out. My eyes seemed to pop out of their sockets as I stared back and forth between my roommates. 

"Austin Taylor? Didn't we go to school with a..?"

"Total douchebag? Dumped salad on my head in the cafeteria? Guy who made our lives living hell at school? Cole and Erick's ex-best friend? Yes. That Austin Taylor." Kelsey muttered. 

Nikki rolled her eyes. "Stop it, Kelsey. He is a changed man."

Shock was still registered deep in my chest. "Does he go to USC?"

Kelsey shook her head. "Thank God, no. He got a baseball schlarship to UCLA. Nikki's known him since they were small, I guess, but lost contact and ran into each other at some bar in town a few days ago, and bam! A couple."

Nikki didn't seem fazed by Kelsey's obvious hate to Austin. But a sudden thought hit me. "Guys? Erick and Cole have a scrimmage against UCLA tomorrow. Here." 

Nikki's eyes widened as Kelsey looked like I just told her that her mother died. I smirked. "I'm guessing the boys don't know their best bud will be seeing them tomorrow?" 

"I didn't know either? Oh my God, Austin is coming here? Ahhh!" Nikki shrieked and hopped off the barstool and darted towards her room, still shrieking. 

Kelsey dropped her head onto the kitchen counter repeatedly. "I think I'm going to be sick." 

I laughed as I slid off my barstool and started off towards my room, feeling light as a feather.

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