Chapter Fourteen

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erick's character is so adorable hehe


I hoped what Kesley said about not feeling sorry for myself would change how I felt. But it didn't. I still feel a large, empty hole right in the middle of my heart that I can't seem to fill. I stared at the beige door and silver handle, wishing it would turn and Erick would walk in, a grin plastered on his face that seemed to make my troubles go away.

I don't know what it is that I can't overcome. I got my voice back, if I even ever lost it, but it's not my voice. I can talk just fine but I can't find a way to express to anyone how I feel. It's like I'm drowning and I can see everyone around me breathing. 

A therapist came in today. Dr. Jenkins. He sat down a my bedside and tried to get me to agree in physical therapy but I shook my head time after time. 

"Kendall, you can't hide in this room forever." I stared at his super wrinkly skin and thin gray hair, and the huge 70's glasses that reflected my tattered face back to me.

Karen came to talk to me after the frustrated therapist left. She sat in the same chair and placed one of her hands over mine. I instantly felt calm, because Karen is like a mother to me. 

"Kendall, honey..."

I bit my lip to keep my eyes from watering. "I know. I've been in here for three months, yada yada. Dr. Jenkins beat you to the punch." I stared at the wall in front of me. "I'm never going to get better."

"Sweetie, yes you will-"

"How do you know?" I looked over at her, angry tears filling my eyes. "Do you know what it's like to lose your entire family, you're best friend? To have no friends? I have nothing outside of this hospital." My voice fell to a whisper as a single tear slid down my cheek. 

Karen brushed it away. "Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in awhile so that we can see life with a clearer view." Her hand lingered on my cheek. "My mother always told me that. Kendall, you were given this life because you are strong enough to live it. If you think life is perfect and will still be perfect since you've already went through won't. And you do have a life outside this hospital. You have people who love you so much and care about you like I've never seen."

I sniffed, letting the tears fall without caring. "They gave up on me, too. I don't blame them."

She pressed her lips into a firm line. "Erick has been at this hospital every single day since you two have bonded. His uncle doesn't even allow him in here anymore because it stresses him out, and he believed it stressed you out. And Kesley is trying to help you."

"By telling me not to feel sorry for myself?"

"We need tough love sometimes, sugar."

I looked back at my hands. "I..I want them to come back. To come back and visit me."

A grin spread across Karen's face. She winked as she said, "Not a problem."



Scanning the cafeteria, I spotted Cole and Kesley sitting at a table with members of the marching band, their heads bent together as they obviously discussed a private matter. I snuck up behind them and jutted my head between them. "Whatcha talking 'bout?"

"Jesus!" Kelsey jumped and placed a hand over her heart as Cole laughed. I sat on the bench and propped my elbows on the table, looking from Cole to Kelsey and back. "Seriously, what were you talking about?"

Kelsey took a bite of her salad and covered her mouth with a hand. "Kendall wants us to visit her."

I raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?"

Kelsey nodded. "Karen thinks she might be ready to get better."

I sighed, and Kelsey stopped eating, looking at me in surprise. "Wait, are you done with her?"

I shook my head quickly. "Definetely not. Are you crazy? I just hope she actually does get hurts seeing her like this."

Colr nor Kesley answered, and the noisy chatter of the caefeteria filled my ears before Kelsey peered around Cole. "Hey, Erick?"

I looked back at her.

"How haven't you noticed Kendall before?"

Cole looked at me and I felt uncomfortable. I cleared my throat. "I don't know, honestly. But seeing her just once...That girl has me wound tight."

Kelsey gave a hesitant smile before going back to her food and talking about softball and baseball with Cole, and I stared at the table, missing Kendall.



He came. 

Erick actually came. 

I didn't think he'd come the day Karen talked to me, but it honestly made a zoo erupt in my stomach at seeing his adorable half-smile and thick black hair. It was just him, no Kelsey, and he sat in his usual chair in the corner instead of the one right by my bed. In some way that made my heart warm; as if we were going back to before. 

"Hey." He said with a smile and I giggled. 


"You need to get better because I for real cannot stand eating lunch with Cole and Kelsey anymore. " I laughed at the expression on his face, the seriousness in his brown eyes.

"Why do you say that?"

He rolled his eyes. "They're obviously going to start dating. It is the worst third wheeling anyone's ever seen. I feel like their dog."

I winced. "Ouch."

He shrugged. "At least Cole is mine during baseball."

I winked. "A bromance?"

"Cerick, all the way."

And just like that...the whole in my heart was no longer a throbbing pain, but just a dull ache. Only nine sentences were exchanged and I feel as if I am on top of the world. And only Erick can do that.

He's my drug. And I am addicted.

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