Chapter Nineteen

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Cole and Kelsey were waiting outside as I pulled into the driveway. They rushed to either side of the back doors, bringing in a rush of cold air as they climbed into the car. I turned to raise an eyebrow at them.

They exchanged a glance and Kelsey burst into giggles. "Drive to the hospital."

"The hospital? I was just-"

"Shut up and drive, Erick." Cole said with a roll of his eyes.

I turned around and pulled down the transmission, muttering 'rude' under my breath. I could hear them whispering excitedly to one another, and I constantly snuck glances at them in the rearview mirror. Kelsey caught me twice and gave me a death glare before shielding her mouth with her hand.

When I finally pulled into my normal parking space and cut the engine, I swiveled in my seat to stare at them expectantly. They shared a smile before Kelsey unbuckled and leaned forward, resting an elbow on the center console. "We're taking Kendall out."

I raised an eyebrow. "Out?"

"Yes, out. We're taking her to the movies. Like a double date."

Excitement rose in my chest and I told myself not to get my hopes up. "So wait, we get to take-"

"Oh for the love of crispy bacon, Erick! You're wasting your time jacking your jaws!"

"Jacking your jaws? People still say that?" Cole asked, looking at me. I shrugged. Kelsey muttered under her breath before climbing out of my car. Laughing, Cole and I got out and walked around the car to where she was waiting impatiently.

As we walked toward the entrance, a thought suddenly struck me. "Wait, you said 'like a double date'. Does that mean you guys are..official?"

A blush crept to Kelsey's cheeks and avoided looking at me as Cole fought to keep a grin off his face. My jaw dropped in mock-shock. "And you didn't tell me?"

"It's lowkey, dawg. Well, was." Cole wrapped an arm over Kelsey's shoulders and drew her closer to him, making her giggle. I smiled at the two of them, happy for both of my best friends.

The door to Kendall's room was open, and she was standing by the window, her back to us as she looked outside. Snug jeans and a soft pink sweater replaced the hospital gown I've seen her in for three months, and her silky blonde hair cascaded down her back. Even from behind, Kendall was breathtaking.

Kelsey whistled and Kendall turned around, half smiling at the sight of us and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. My breath caught in my throat and the beauty I thought she had from behind was nothing compared to the sight of the angel in front of me. She wasn't wearing a hint of makeup and wasn't wearing designer clothes, and didn't have that confident glow that most guys loved but she was still the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life.

"Erick? Loverboy. Yeah. I said we have to go unless you want to be late." I stared down at Kelsey as she glared with me, a hand on her hip.

"When did you get so fiesty?"

Cole laughed and reached out a both hands, pulling her into him again. He looked down at her and gave her a look so intense I had to look away. Kendall appeared at my side and stared at a wheelchair in the corner of the room.

"I don't think I can walk all day." Just her light and lovely voice made my head feel weightless.

"That's okay. We won't be walking a lot. Even if you get tired, I can-" Her eyes wandering past me made me stop talking as I turned to see my uncle leaning against the doorframe, his hands jammed in his pockets.

"Can I have a word with you, Erick?"



Erick and Dr. Sanchez disappeared into the hallway, leaving me alone with Cole and Kelsey. The weird look that had crossed Erick's face made my insides feel uneasy and my legs started to go weak. As I stumbled over to my bed, I stared at Cole and Kelsey.

"So since when?"

Kelsey stopped laughing at whatever Cole said and stared at me. "Since when what?"

"Since you two started dating." I waved a hand between them. I was still shocked that Kelsey had fallen for Cole Loughner, and vice versa. I remember Cole was the biggest douche in school and always gave Kelsey and I the hardest time. I can't be one to talk, since I developed feelings for Erick, but he never said hurtful things to either of us.

"Two weeks ago." I could tell Kelsey knew the depth behind my words, and whether the look she tosses at me was pleading or threatenting, I couldn't tell. I do know the way Cole looks at her is rare and genuine, so I decide to drop it.

I smiled at her, and she blinked, anger fading. She gave a hesitant smile back before looking back at Cole, who was opening drawers by the counter. I followed her gaze and studied Cole, trying to see what about the tall jock drew tentative Kelsey in. He had tousled dark brown hair in a bedhead style that annoyed the absolute crap out of me, but he had soft brown eyes and a defined jaw that gave him a manly look. He also had huge bicep muscles and back muscles that showed through his soft gray cotton shirt. I'll admit, Cole is pretty hot. But looks mean nothing if he has a sour personality, and I hope Kelsey is smart enough not to get hurt.

The door opened and Erick walked in, making my stomach flop. Cole's looks were nothing compared to Erick's, and just the sight of him made a smile tug at my lips. But a frown was etched on his face and his usual happy brown eyes were an empty black.

"Are we leaving or not?"

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