Chapter Nine: It's Not A Date

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Tubbo grinned, "Wow, I didn't expect that reaction from you guys." He remarked at Dream, Techno and Ranboo's loud, 'what?'

Tommy grinned as well, "Yeah. Why did you guys react that way?" It's almost as if he and Tubbo had this psychic connection. They knew what they were doing.

"Because it's you know, a pandemic, that's all." Dream had said, "I'm worried about their safety."

"Delilah got tested last week and it just came out negative. For her battle of the bands performance." Tubbo smiled.

"Besides, it's not like they're gonna be super close to one another. I feel like that's insulting both of their intelligence." 

Techno scoffed, "Oh no, I'm not insulting Delilah's intelligence. Just Wilbur's."

They all laughed, and Ranboo added, "I'm excited to see if they produce any music together. I feel like their voices would match perfectly."

"true." Charlie agreed, and so did the teenagers. Dream and Techno did as well, but slightly begrudgingly. 

They continued on with their game play, but the two twenty year olds felt confused. Why did they react that way? It's not like you can like a person you've never met, especially if they live across an ocean from you.


With Delilah and Wilbur:

Delilah laughed and she nudged Wilbur with her shoulder as they walked down the sidewalk. They were walking around the city, and he was leading her somewhere. Wilbur grinned under his mask.

"Just wait. You'll love it." He added, and she rolled her eyes jokingly.

She smirked under her mask, "William, I'm not a big fan of surprises."

He tilted his head towards her, a brown curl falling in his face, "Oh trust me. You'll love this one."

Wilbur didn't know why it made his heart pound in his chest when she called him William. Maybe it was the way she said it. How she refused to use his nickname. Or also that a cute girl with freckles and with a bit of an Irish accent was giving him the time of day. 

He couldn't help himself but admire her when she opened the door. Though, he thought maybe he should've dressed better. He was wearing blue jeans with the cuffs rolled, black converse sneakers, a black t-shirt and a yellow flannel on top. Honestly, the two complimented each other so well it was unbelievable.

The only thing he wished he could see was her smile. Even if he could see the crinkles in her eyes when she smiled with her mask on, it wasn't the same. 'She's so pretty when she smiles.' He thought, his cheek going red. Wilbur instinctively cleared his throat.

"We're here." He said, and Delilah looked up.

She gasped, her eyes widening with delight, "You kept you're promise."

He smiled, "I live by my word."

The two walked into the arcade. Delilah grinned, feeding her money into the machine to get tokens. She clapped her hands together.

"What should we play first?" She asked, her eyes scanning the arcade. Then, they landed on her favorite game. Delilah's hand found Wilbur's and pulled him towards the game. He smiled, a small flutter in his chest. 

His brown eyes saw the game, and he laughed, "Galaga? Retro I see."

She nodded, "You could say that. Besides music, it's the main game Dad played with me. He said it was his favorite; I guess it passed down because I love it too. That was what he taught me. Strategy and music."

It took Wilbur a moment to realize that she wasn't talking about the person he knew as Tubbo's dad. He then smiled, "Show me what you got, Delilah."

Delilah hadn't realized she hadn't let go of Wilbur's hand, "Well, William, prepare to be amazed." She winked at him, her hands reaching the joystick and buttons. 

Nothing could tear her attention away from the screen. Her hands moved quickly, as if she had done it a hundred times. Wilbur grinned as he watched. Her blonde hair fell in her face, but it didn't seem to distract her. After maybe eighty levels, she died.

"Ugh!" She smiled, running her hand through her hair, "It's been so long. Definitely off my game."

He wiggled his eyebrows at her, "Definitely."

She smacked his arm, and he laughed, "Ow! I'm kidding, I'm kidding." His eyes met hers, "You're amazing. I couldn't do that."

Delilah smirked, "I know, I'm just sooo great."

The two played games for a while, and after an hour or two, they both had gotten hungry. Since most of the restaurants were take out only, so they ordered online and walked around  nearby park while they waited. Delilah laughed loudly, and Wilbur continued on with the stupid bit he had started.

Delilah had started walking backwards in front of him, and he grinned at her, "If you let me hold your hand, it'd be a definite you don't fall."

"William, that's rushing it. Our friendship is not at hand-holding level yet." She smiled mischievously.

Wilbur smiled, "Oh I get it. You just don't want to share that magic you have."

She laughed again, and he could hear the slight rasp underneath it, something that he for some reason, really liked about her laugh, "Oh no! I have been discovered as a witch! You better not burn me, William."

He wiggled his eyebrows at her, "That's why you can't hold my hand. I'm too hot-"

Delilah laughed again, and so did he. Just then, her heel hit something, and her foot slipped out from under her. Her eyes widened for a moment, and she braced for the impact of cold cobblestone under her. Instead, she felt something swoop under her lower back.

She opened her eyes to see Wilbur leaning in close to her, and his fingers intertwined with hers on one hand, and his other arm holding her up. It took a moment to register, after still being in shock from almost injuring herself, how close the two were. If it weren't for the masks, Delilah wasn't sure how red her face would be.

"Are you okay?" He asked, breathy and nervously.

She nodded, "Y-Yeah. Just gave me a bit of a shock." She smiled, "You can let me go now."

His eyes widened, and he cleared his throat, holding her hand until she was up straight. Delilah grinned, "Nice reflexes, William."

Wilbur grinned, "Well, I did tell you you were going to fall." She punched his arm, both of them laughing.

"Oh shut up."

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