Chapter 10: My Heart Isn't Beating That Fast

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Apparently it was long until it was spread around on Twitter that people saw the two twenty year olds together. And Delilah inhaled sharply, scrolling through her feed, watching as people posted about how the two were such cute friends. Toby was back playing on stream, and soon enough it was her turn to walk into the room her was in game. She recalled the conversation she had just had with Dream and Wilbur only a few hours earlier.

Delilah sat in front of her computer screen with her camera on, seeing Wilbur's face, and only the discord icon for Dream. 

"You guys wanted to talk to me? I didn't do anything wrong, did I?" She smiled, and the two men grinned at her, despite Dream knowing neither could see him.

"In fact, quite the opposite. We've seen your skills at playing, and honestly the fans love you, and so do we, so Wilbur and I decided to give you a proposition." Dream said, casually.

Raising an eyebrow, she smiled more, her cheeks tinted pink, "Oh? What type of proposition?"

Wilbur spoke this time, "Although I'm not a main writer anymore, we both made the collective decision to invite you onto the SMP as an official cast member. Only if you would like to, of course."

Her eyes widened with delight and disbelief, "What? Really? I would love to!"

"Fantastic! We have you playing the lost sister of Tubbo, because your relationship with him in game we decided to be very close, just like real life. You become pretty good friends with most of the members as well, including myself , Technoblade and Ghostbur. You're like a sweeter and more innocent version of Tubbo, but can hold your own in battle."

Delilah smirked mischievously, "Good thing I took those acting classes in high school."

Dream and Wilbur smirked as well, except Wilbur spoke first this time, "For you, I don't believe you even need to act."

"Oh, William, you haven't seen any of me yet." Delilah laughed cutely, and they scheduled when her time to be on the SMP would be.

Her skin was a blonde haired girl with black overalls and a light blue shark hoodie. She had edited the skin to have her same eyes. She joined the VC and waited for Tubbo, Tommy, and Ranboo's line to cue her in. 

"Tubbo, what are you talking about? Why would Dream say that to you?" Tommy asked his friend, a confused look on his face. 

Tubbo was just as confused, "I-I don't know. He's a liar but I don't know what he was trying to do with tha-"

There it was. Delilah's time to shine.

"Tubbo?" She asked, running out from behind the buildings. Her voice was slightly concerned, and then she saw her brother, "Tubbo! It really is you!" She ran towards him, a big smile on her face and tears pooling at her eyes.

Tubbo looked even more confused than ever, asking, "Who are you?"

Tilting her head, she said, "It's Delilah. Your sister, silly bee. Don't you remember?"

Tommy became very suspicious, getting in front of Tubbo protectively, "How do we really know that? How do we know this isn't one of Dreams tricks?"

Again, Delilah looked confused, "Who's Dream? Though, I should answer your question before you answer mine." She smiled big, "Since I was there since when he was a baby, I know that he has a cute birthmark under his shirt in the shape of a butterfly. I also know that when he was little he could never figure out how to pronounce the 'th' sound. When he was a baby he always used to play in the flowers and try to eat them." She giggled at the memory, and Tubbo's face turned bright red.

Tommy was still uncertain, seeing as they were on the brink of war, and he still doesn't know what happened to Technoblade or Dream, and Tubbo was on his last life. what convenient timing for his lost older sister to appear out of nowhere.

"How did you find us then?" Ranboo chirped, and Delilah turned her attention to him instead of the loud blonde.

"Oh, now that you mention it, I did meet a couple people on my way who gave me directions. They were two men, I think, and both were quite tall. One had super long pink hair and like those teeth that boars do sticking out of his mouth, and he was dressed like a king. The other one I didn't see his face because he had a smiley face mask on and a bright green sweatshirt on and a rather big sword attached to the belt on his hip. Both were very nice to me, giving me directions to find my little brother." Delilah paused, "Why do you ask? Is something going on?"

They all gave each other looks, and Tubbo stepped up, "Delilah, those two men you met are evil. You had met Technoblade and Dream. To put it in the simplest terms, they want to destroy L'Manburg."

Judging by his outfit alone, and the way each of them looked, she could piece what was going on, "And you're in charge...They might hurt you..." She muttered, then looked up, a sparkle in her eye, "Well, I'll just go talk to them! Maybe they'll rethink their decision once I tell them about the situation. Don't worry little brother and friends! I'll try my best to keep you all safe!"

And as quickly as she appeared, she was gone. Tommy kinda smiled, "That girl must be on drugs or stupid! I like her!"

Tubbo quickly got nervously defensive, "H-Hey! Don't say my sister is on drugs or that she's stupid!"

"Should we go after her?" Ranboo asked, waiting for an answer to get ready to run after her.

Both the boys shook their heads, and Tommy said, "No, I think she's got it. It seems like also she'll at least buy us time to prepare for attack if that's what their planning."

Tubbo sighed, still worried for the safety of the sister he was just reunited with maybe three minutes ago. Though, if she had managed to take care of herself all on her own outside of the world of any known land, then she hopefully she would be able to talk to those two without getting herself killed.

Little did he know, Delilah would become much more important to the two men then anyone could have planned. 


Hi, sorry for like totally ghosting you guys. I forgot to mention that a couple weeks ago, I broke my wrist. I've been taking a break from writing since then, seeing as I typically type with both hands or the hand of the wrist I broke, and it gets really painful and tiring if I use the wrist too much. Sorry for the delay, and for being a romance fanfiction there hasn't been much yet. If you have any suggestions, or who you think she'd be best with, feel free to comment. Hopefully I'll be able to get more chapters out but I'm not done healing, and I don't want to overwork my wrist.

Have a wonderful day/night where ever you are!

Until Next Time, Byee

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