Chapter One - A New Discovery

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        Twenty one year old, Y/n L/n was the curator of the Domino City museum, specifically the Egyptology department as that was her specialty. Unlike other archaeologists who were in it for the fame or thrill, she devoted her life to the culture and remains of ancient Egypt for a different reason. As a historian, she understood why archaeologists had to disturb the tombs and temples. They did need to study the remains of the culture if they wanted to learn about it, after all, but an ache in her heart was always present. The ancient Egyptians believed very strongly in their gods and life after death. Those tombs were never to be disturbed so the dead could rest in peace. Unfortunately, opening the tombs was a necessary evil.

        However, something that angered her to no end was when they brought the remains in and simply referred to them as 'the mummy' or 'Artifact 381B'. These were once living, breathing people with likes and dislikes, passions and fears, love and hate. They were individuals with independent thoughts and ideas. They had their very own perspective on life with their own unique theories. The one thing the Egyptians treasured the most was one's name. If one's name was lost, their soul was forgotten and they ceased to exist. If disturbing their place of rest and moving their remains wasn’t awful enough,referring to their remains as just 'another mummy'  or a possession of the museum was cruel and inhumane. Most of the remains' names have either not been logged or misplaced. By labeling them and taking away their name, archaeologists were stripping them of their humanity and what dignity they have left, reducing them to nothing but a mere artifact code.

        That is why she became an Egyptologist and curator. She took it as her duty as an Egyptologist and a human being to protect and honor these people and their culture. She always searched to find the person's name, even if it took her weeks of rummaging and translating. Once she found the name, she would write it on a piece of paper and tuck it in with the remains, whether it was inside the storage container or even on top of the remains themselves, only a wrapping of plastic between the name and the body. And that is where her story begins, with the tale of the Nameless Pharaoh.

        It was a crisp autumn day in October, the thirteenth to be exact, a Monday. Y/n was logging the artifact number of a robe of a priest of Anubis that had miraculously stayed in beautiful condition despite the amount of time that had passed. Her phone rang. Placing the robe back in it’s container, she took off her gloves and answered. “Hello?”

        “Y/n! There was another discovery! They found the body of a pharaoh in a tomb hidden crazy deep!” It was her friend, Jordan. Y/n and Jordan were close friends and high school and still were. Her tall friend had gone on to become a well published author and even the owner of her own magazine. She always had an Egyptology piece in her issues and often went along on digs. Of course, she didn’t have the authority to touch the remains or go in the tombs, but she did get insider information.

        “In the Valley of the Kings?”

        “No! That’s what really crazy. The tomb is crazy deep in the middle of nowhere! A sandstorm and an accidental trip is how they found it!”

        “Accidental trip?”


        “What happened?”

        “I may have accidentally… tripped on a rock a fell into the door of the tomb… breaking a hole… in the door…” Y/n bit her lip to keep from laughing.

        “Are you serious?”


        “I fucking love you, Jordan.” Her friend laughed.

        “Love you too! Anyway, they're shipping the body straight to the museum.”

        “Doesn’t Cairo own any and all artifacts found? It usually takes a while before we get clearance.”

        “Yeah well, they basically worship you down there. Once they heard you owned the museum, they practically rushed the thing to the jet.”


        “Yeah. You’re kind of an idol there.”

        “I had no idea… It’s been a while since I’ve been to Cairo. They were really friendly last time I went.”

        “Duh, because they love you. Anyway, you should be getting the pharaoh in a few hours.”

        “When was he or she discovered?”

        “Last night. The anthropologist thinks he’s a guy, but he said he wants you to make the final judgement.”

        “Why? Is the pelvic bone more feminine or something?”

        “I don’t know. He’s a newbie and just happened to be there at the.. erm… discovery.” Y/n grinned at that. Of course Jordan would do something klutzy that lead to something like this. “He really looks up to you. It’s like a student wanting to impress his teacher and not look stupid.” Y/n flushed a bit at all the praise.

        “I had no idea I was so well known.” Jordan scoffed.

        “Are you kidding me? You’re like, the Egyptologist, the queen of archaeology, the high priestess of all things ancient Egyptians.” Y/n’s face flushed a dark pink.

        “I’ll be sure to let you know my conclusion on the gender.”

        “The guy will really appreciate it, (Nickname). I’ll pass the message.”

        “Thanks, JJ.”

        “Well, I gotta go. Talk to you later, Y/n.”

        “Bye, Jordan.” True to her friend’s word, the jet landed behind the museum a little over an hour later. Once the body was rolled in and on the table, Y/n removed the cover. She froze at what she saw. Laying  before her was probably the most well preserved body ever. One glance at his hips and pelvic bones assured her that he was indeed male. Her fingers grazed the torso in a feather light touch, hardly there. He was slim, yet very muscular, incredibly fit. This surprised her. Most kings were overweight and out of shape. He was clearly an exception. She focused on his face. It was incredibly handsome with sharp cheekbones, an angular chin, sharp nose, and an overall feminine yet strong, masculine look.

        Running his body through the ct scan, it was revealed that his organs were missing, as per usual, yet there was something in his chest. Looking closely, Y/n realised it was a stone. Of what kind, she was unsure, but indentations could be seen on the metal it was encrusted in. The other anthropologist in the room picked up a saw and turned to the body. Y/n stood protectively in front of the body.

        “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she demanded, her voice strong. The anthropologist halted.

        “W-we need to get the stone out,” he stated, unsure. Y/n narrowed her eyes.

        “I am not going to let you start haphazardly sawing his body!”

        “B-but the-”

        “The embalmers got it in his chest cavity without destroying his chest. If they got it in, we can get it out the same way.” Her voice was firm, her body unmoving. The anthropologist slowly set the saw down and backed away.

        “I’ll leave you to it, then,” he said, then left the room in a hurry. Y/n kept her eye on him for one last moment before turning back to the king on the table.

        “Don’t worry. I won’t let any of those dumbasses harm you.” She felt a sudden wave of humor and almost gratitude in her subconscious. She gazed at the body once more before turning to the scan. She chuckled to herself. “Well, they are dumbasses. Now, how the hell did they get that thing in you?" As she stared at the scan, pondering that thought, she was unaware of the presence of another in the room.

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