Chapter Thirteen - To Catch a Mongoose

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The royal soldiers of the pharaoh searched the old tomb top to bottom, careful not to look over any hidden passageways or rooms. After hours of looking, however, Aknerah was not to be found. It was apparent he and some of his men had escaped, as those killed could not be his entire cult. When this and the death count was reported to Y/n, she knew instantly those who got away were large in number. There was no way Aknerah would attempt something this huge with only twenty five men. No, there was either a hidden passageway to a larger area of the tomb the men had missed or an exit the criminals escaped from. The warrior growled and hit her fist on the stone wall of the meeting room. The immense pain shooting through her hand was overshadowed by her fury. She was so damn close! And yet that vile man still managed to slip through her fingers. Gods, it was like trying to catch a fucking mongoose! You would get so close, so close you could almost touch it, when it darts away in a flash and you can just feel it brush against you as it disappears from sight.It was utterly infuriating!

Y/n gave a heavy exhale and straightened, her face turned stoic as she formulated a plan. Aknerah was still on the south side of Memphis. He could only have gotten so far on foot. He was known to use old tombs as hide outs. Rage flamed up once more. How dare he disturb the resting places of previous pharaohs?! This man had committed so many crimes only a sentence given by the gods could make him pay true penance. She turned to the army's head general. "I want the troop split into four factions, fanning out in the main directions from the tomb at a two click radius. They can't have gotten farther than that on foot." The general bowed deeply.

"It will be done, your greatness." Y/n nodded in approval. The meeting has called to an end and people began to file out of the room.

"Oh, Heba!" The servant stopped in his tracks and turned to face her.

"Yes, your greatness?"

"Come here." He nervously did so, approaching her cautiously.

"Y-yes?" She smiled down at him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Do not fear, Heba. It is nothing bad." He relaxed slightly.

"What is it?" She smiled.

"Your title has changed." His brows furrowed.

"What do you mean?"

"You are no longer a mere palace servant." Heba perked up. Could she possibly made him her personal servant? The idea made his heart quicken in excitement. "You are now the royal army's healer." Heba's heart skipped a beat at that. The royal army's healer? Such an honorable duty was only given to those deserving! He was just... Heba. Y/n laughed at his reaction. "You have a rare gift, Heba. A natural talent for medicine. It would a be a near crime to waste such a blessing." An astonished grin grew on the boy's face. Without thinking, he jumped forward and pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you!" he cried. He then apparently realized what he just did and became horrified. Oh gods, what had he done? He had overstepped his bounds! Oh, he couldn't even imagine what his punishment would b- He froze when he felt her arms wrap around him. A warm chuckle vibrated through her chest. He cautiously looked up to see the goddess smirking, amusement dancing in her eyes.

"You're quite welcome." The blushing servant quickly let go, shuffling awkwardly. Y/n chuckled once more and patted his head. She pointed behind him where Mana stood grinning. Y/n arched an eyebrow at the priestess, who gave a sheepish smile. "Follow Mana, Heba. She'll take you to get your new clothes and supplies." She bent down to his height, her lips at his ear. "And don't listen to her crazy matchmaking babble," she whispered. Heba gave a light laugh and nodded. Bowing once more in gratitude, he left with the mischievous priestess leaving the goddess and the pharaoh alone in the large room.

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