Chapter Fourteen - The End is Nigh

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Note: This chapter does contain strong sexual content. Viewer discretion is advised.

Atem, finding himself distraught and confused, decided he needed sometime to think. As he walked, he let his body lead him as his mind drifted off. Many things were on his mind. The state of Egypt, the safety of all who lived under his rule, his father, Aknerah, Mana, Set, Heba, Y/n... Y/n... He just couldn't get her out of his mind! The goddess had completely infiltrated his heart and being, infusing herself in his every thought. She had him completely bent to her will, and the worst part is she seemed to be unaware of how dedicated he was to her.

The young king broke himself from his thoughts when he noted where his feet had taken him. He was deep within the palace gardens, in a secluded nook hidden by foliage. Sitting down on a large, flat rock, Atem held his face in his hands. His mind was racing a mile a minute as he tried to make sense of everything. Perhaps she was aware of his affections and didn't reciprocate them, therefore deciding not to acknowledge them...But if that were true, how could that explain their moment in her chambers? When they had sat on her bed, him holding her close as she nuzzled closer to him. He had pressed a kiss to her head as she laid her face in the crook of his neck. He was about to confess to her... when they had been interrupted... again. It seemed whenever the perfect moment arrived, something always came up moment.

As Atem tried to reason with himself, a scuffling noise caught his attention. Looking down, he saw a little lion cub roll out of a shrubbery. The baby sneezed and batted at its nose. The king instantly recognized the lion as Nazwa. He whistled softly. The cub stood up and walked up to him, curious. He picked her up, chuckling as she tried to bite at his golden collar. His chuckle grew to laughter as Nazwa made a disgusted face at the metalic taste, licking her paws quickly, trying to get the taste off her tongue. Scratching the cub behind the ears, Atem heard a worried call. Steps could be heard and Heba peeked around one of the shrubs, relief washing over him when he spotted the baby.

"Nazwa! There you are," he said. The cub gave a cute sound in recognition as she turned to look at him. Upon seeing Atem, the army's healer bowed. "My king! I did not expect to see you here. Thank you for finding Nazwa." Atem smiled as he handed off the cub.

"It was she who found me, Heba." Heba laughed as he cradled the animal.

"If you do not mind me asking, my king, what are you doing out here?" Atem gave a heavy exhale as he leaned back.

"Thoughts have been troubling me..."

"Of what sort?" The words fell out of Heba's mouth before he even realized it. Just when he was about to apologize for speaking out of place, however, Atem replied.

"Regarding... Y/n..." The young king looked to healer who had served him so well for so long. "Tell me, Heba... Does she... speak of me when she's with you?" Heba nodded instantly.

"Oh, of course. She protects your life, after all." The healer's face turned thoughtful. "She worries about you so." Intrigue sparked in pharaoh.

"How so?" Heba's hand absentmindedly stroke the cub in his arms.

"Well, she feels you take so much upon your shoulders and forget that, though you are pharaoh, you are still a man with basic needs. She worries you don't take proper care of yourself." A light chuckle erupted from the younger one's lips. "She even told me she was considering putting you on room arrest, where you wouldn't be allowed to leave you chambers for a day so you could rest." A smile played at Atem's lips.

"Yes, that certainly sounds like something she would say." Heba's lips quirked in thought as he gazed at his king.

"She cares for you," he said softly, "more than you know." Atem looked at the teen in surprise. Just as he was about to ask Heba what he meant, the healer's name could be heard being called. Heba quickly bowed and dismissed himself, leaving Atem alone once more with his thoughts.

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