Chapter Ten - Mana's Mischief

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        Y/n made her way to the room she and Jounou had the midnight meeting the night prior. The head guard was waiting for her and bowed when she entered. "Your greatness," he greeted.

"What are the reports?"

"The guards themselves didn't see anything suspicious, but they did talk to the citizens. Several reported a suspicious man lurking about a local tavern located one klick south of the palace."

"What does this man look like?"

"We don't have much other than he is dark skinned, dark haired, and very tall. He is often cloaked in public." Y/n quirked her lips.

"Well, dark skinned and dark haired is the majority of Egypt's population. The height, however, is fairly uncommon. Not many people are so tall. I want the guards to keep a sharp eye out for a tall, cloaked man." Jounou nodded.

"I'll let them know."

"Anything else?" Jounou thought for a moment.

"Actually, yes. The man apparently doesn't talk much, but when he does he preaches about Apep." Y/n nodded.

"That fits with the cult theory. Good work, Jounou." The head guard bowed in thanks and left to give orders to the guards. Y/n made her way to the kitchens. She had a sudden craving for sweet bread. On the way, she ran into Mana.

"Your greatness!" the young priestess exclaimed happily, "What brings you here?" The warrior smiled.

"Oh, just going to get some sweet bread." Mana perked up.

"I can go get it for you!" Y/n laughed.

"That's alright, Mana. I'm already almost there." The priestess pouted good naturedly.

"Well then, at least allow me to escort you there." Chuckling, Y/n nodded. Mana grinned and the two began walking. Mana enjoyed the goddess's company. She was a kind woman and very easy to talk to. As long as one didn't anger her, one had nothing to worry about. She knew of the woman's power and might, having witnessed it at her celebration and in the cells. The fear she had felt during those moments only made her respect the goddess even more. "I noticed you've been close with Heba," she commented. Y/n nodded.

"Yes, I am quite fond of him. He's an honorable man, quite intelligent too." Mana grinned mischievously. Y/n glanced at her and laughed.

"Mana, you little imp. I'm not courting Heba." Mana wiggled her brows.

"Not yet..." Y/n merely shook her head, chuckling.

"You're going to get yourself in trouble with all your mischief."

"I manage to get out of it somehow..." Once they acquired her sweet bread, Y/n decided to walk around the palace. It was a beautiful building, after all. The architecture itself was simply stunning. As she roamed the halls, leisurely enjoying her snack, she saw Heba exit the library.

"Hello, Heba." The young servant turned and smiled, bowing in respect.

"Your greatness. How are you doing this fine morning?" Y/n returned his smile.

"Oh, just enjoying the sights of the palace. care to join me?" Heba noted how she always managed to surprise him. She wanted his company? Humbled, he bowed once more.

"It would be an honor, you greatness." The two made their way through the palace, making light conversation. Y/n was rather interested in what the young servant had to say. He was a rather gifted storyteller.

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