Chapter Fifteen - War of All Wars

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Chapter Fifteen - War of all Wars

Just as the sun had begun its daily journey across the sky and the first cracks of dawn could be seen, the serene magic of the sunrise was shattered as the palace's alarms screamed through the air. The couple in the four poster bed started up as screams and cries could be heard both outside and inside the palace. Quickly getting dressed, the warrior and pharaoh rushed down to find out what was happening.

Downstairs, the couple was met with chaos. Guards and army men were carrying injured and frightened civilians inside the safety of the great hall. "Jounou!" Y/n called, "What's going on?" The head guard turned to her.

"Your greatnesses," he said, looking frantic, "Aknerah's men have just launched an attack on the city of Memphis!" Both of their eyes widened.

"What?" Atem asked in disbelief. Jounou nodded.

"His army is bigger than we realized. There are hundreds of his men setting fire to the outer parts of the city, attacking civilians and stealing possessions. They're making their way to the palace." Y/n's jaw clenched in anger. With curse words flying through her mind, she clenched her fists. "We're doing our best to rescue as many as we can to give them proper care," Jounou continued. His voice grew quiet. "However... there are many and some of them are too far gone for help..."

"Open up, we have wounded!" a voice sounded from the other side of the doors. When they were opened, several civilians bearing bruises, scratches, and burns rushed in. One man was cradling a young girl in his arms. As she coughed, her tiny body shook violently. The man, who couldn't be older than nineteen, collapsed in exhaustion. As Heba rushed to help the man, Y/n hurried over to the wheezing girl. She took the child in her arms as she knelt on the stone floor.

"Mommy?" she asked faintly. Y/n shook her head.

"No sweetheart, I'm not your-" She was cut off as the child hugged her tightly.

"Mommy, I'm scared." Her body shook terribly as coughs wracked her tiny frame. Y/n held the little girl close, placing a gentle hand on her back.

"It'll be alright, honey." The girl continued to cough, gasping for air as she couldn't breathe. Y/n knew she had inhaled too much smoke. Her tiny lungs couldn't handle it.

"Mommy..." the girl's voice was faint and scratchy, "is Anpu* nice?" Tears welled in the warrior's eyes. Even the child knew she wasn't going to make it. She nodded, holding the child closer to her, as if it would scare the smoke away.

"Yes, sweetie," she whispered, her breath choked by sobs, "Yes, he's very nice." The little girl smiled.

"I'm glad..." A choked exhale was heard and her body went limp. Atem watched in silence as Y/n held the child's body tightly to her. The woman's shoulders shook as tears streamed down her face. Y/n clenched her teeth in pure anger. This was too much. This was where she drew the line. As she bowed her head and prayed for the life that ended much too soon, so swore to the gods she would kill Aknerah. The man did not deserve to live.

The warrior gently laid the child's body down, folding her arms so her fingers interlocked on her stomach. She didn't give a damn that folded arms were symbols of royalty. The young one didn't deserve this. She was supposed to grow up, experience life, see its wonders. Not this, this wasn't living. This was hell. Pressing a teary kiss to the child's forehead, the warrior stood up, her head bowed. Atem cautiously approached her. Placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, he spoke softly.

"Y/n?" He felt how tense she was beneath his hand.

"Enough," she muttered darkly, "Enough." She turned face Jounou, her body rigid and head high. "Jounou!" she barked, "Take all civilians to the empty store rooms below. They'll be safe there." The head guard nodded.

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