Chapter Twelve - Death on the Horizon

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Y/n made to get up, but winced as pain seared through her entire right shoulder. Heba tried to get her to lay back down. "You must rest, you greatness." Y/n shook her head.

"As much as I value your medical opinion, Heba, I can't afford to rest. A maniac is on the loose and I have to stop him." Gritting her teeth so hard they ached, the wounded warrior squeezed her eyes shut as she pushed herself up ignoring her shoulder's screaming protests. Once she was on her feet, she still managed to tall just as tall as ever. "Come on." The three began to walk before Y/n stopped and looked back at the servant. "You too, Heba." The stared at her in surprise.

"M-me?" She nodded.

"You have proved yourself more than capable in dangerous situations, I believe you deserve to take part in this meeting." The boy could only blink as the pharaoh nodded.

"I agree." Standing up from the bed, Heba followed the party in silence, trying to wrap his mind around what was happening. When he arrived at the palace to be a servant, never in all of his dreams did he ever think anything of this sort would happen to him. His heart soared. Was this what Y/n had told him about before? Was he really going to do great things? The servants euphoria tanked, however, when he entered the room and looks of surprise and disdain were shot at him. He ducked his head and moved a bit more behind the warrior.

"You greatness," a general 'politely' started, "What is... he doing here?" Y/n shot him an unamused look.

"His name is Heba and I decided he should join us."

"But, my lady," another so kindly pointed out, "He is a but a mere servant..." The look the woman shot him was poisonous enough to kill fifty men.

"This servant just so happened to keep me from bleeding out half an hour ago. You would be wise to keep silent about him." The man closed his mouth and Y/n nodded in satisfaction. She turned to Set. "Now, tell me exactly what happened."

"Less than one hour ago, Aknerah's men attacked and raided a village just outside the south side of Memphis. Twenty people were killed and one hundred and thirteen were injured. Amongst the dead are twelve children." Y/n felt her heart stop and her blood run cold. "Once the raiders pillaged the village of all crops and valuables, they set fire to it. Two patrol factions managed to put it out before any more people were killed and brought the wounded to the city where they are being treated."

Y/n shook her head as she tried to comprehend everything she had just heard. "Say the death count once more," she said quietly. Set hesitated, but obeyed.


"And how many were children?"

"...Twelve." Silence filled the room as everyone looked to the goddess. Heba felt the quiet bear down on him. It was absolutely suffocating. The tension in the room was so thick, he found it hard to breathe. Finally, after torturous moments, she finally spoke.

"I want the armies prepared." Looks of both solemnity and surprise were present.

"But, your greatness," a general began.

"That would be a declaration of war," another finished, "A civil war, no less!" Y/n's gaze shot to him, eyes blazing with a venomous fury.

"They already declared war!" she roared, "They declared war when they stole the lives of the innocent!" Several cowered under her harsh stare. Slowly, she turned to Atem. The king was both terrified and somber. She was right, Aknerah's men had brought this upon themselves. Anger surged through him. No, they hadn't just brought it on them, they had brought this on all of Egypt. Innocent lives have paid and will continue to pay for their deeds. The king clenched his jaw. No, not if he could help it.

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