The Warehouse

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"What the hell is going on?"Inej said as she pointed Saint Anastasia at him accusingly.
"I could ask you the same thing your the one who pulled me in here." The boy retorted at normal volume.
"Keep your voice down." She hissed Inejs stomach dropped as she remembered where Kaz was.
"Shit Kaz!" Inej ran to the window but just as she reached it gun shots rang out a floor above exactly where Kaz was. Screams and shouts sounded in the mansion.
It was too late their plan had come crashing down because of Inej, she glared at the Kaz look alike.  His face was written in disbelief.

Inej wanted to get to Kaz but she couldn't leave the look a like. They had to get out of here. Brekker always had a back up plan she consoled herself he'll be fine, Kaz was nearly impossible to kill any way. Inej was almost guaranteed to get caught if she went wading through guards and guests, escape with her new prisoner was her main focus.
"Your coming with me, if you try to scream I'll cut out your tongue." Inej growled.
"Okay, where is Kaz?" He looked around wide eyed she studied the room, instead of the unsettling copy.
The room outside of the office was empty likely evacuated.
Exit exit exit they need an exit she remembered from the house plans there was a back door 2 floors down, the servants passage would be less populated. She grabbed a pillow off the couch, cutting the bottom open she shook the feathers out, next she cut the silk rope, holding the curtains back. Inej put the pillow case over the look alikes head, perfect kidnapping hood and tied his arms around his back.
"This really isn't necessary, I said I would go with you. I'm not going to try to run." He said
Inej ignored him they were in hostile territory she could interrogate him later, he likely being a tailor made Kaz by the council of tides.

Inej unlocked the door and raced to where the servants staircase should be. But half way down the first flight she heard her name. Jesper was coming down the stairs above them.
"Where's Kaz?" She demanded
"I was hoping he was with you, what happened? Who is that?" Jesper asked as he caught up to them.
Inej waved him off, she started back down the stairs.
"We have to get out of here, talk later." She said

Nina and Matthias were waiting at the get away boat in the designated canal.
"What happened, where's Brekker?" Nina asked
"Hopefully not bleeding out in an alley." Jesper said grimly.
"You lost him?" She demanded they had already pushed off and started down the canal.
"There was a complication just get us to the rendezvous before they set up blockades and we all get caught." Inej told her friends.

The warehouse was 10 blocks away from the merchant mansion. A quick trip by canal. They reached the safe house in no time. As they walked in the front doors inejs took in the large room, it was an old warehouse but it had a maze of crate before you reached the open space and the center, Inej found a chair for the look alike as they reached the main part of the room.

The Suli sat him down, pulled off his hood.
"Has he been tailored?" She asked turning to Nina.
Jesper swore. Colorfully.
"Wow, is he the complication?" She asked as she leaned in to the boys face to look for seems making sure not to touch him out of habit.
"Yes, I thought he was Kaz." Inej said looking at the floor.
"He is going to kill me." The Suli said.
"Don't be absurd, Kaz won't hurt you. He's going to skin this poor sap though." Jesper said smiling.
"Who tailored you?" Asked Matthias speaking for the first time but before the captive could answer Nina spoke.
"He's not tailored." She said standing back.
"That's his real face." They all stared at the teen.

"Can I speak?" The captive asked all four just stared at him as the door to the warehouse open.

"Kaz!" Cheered Jesper only for Wylan's curly head to come around the lines of crate.
"No sorry, just me." Van Eck caught sight of the boy tied to the chair.
"What the..." he left off.
"The names Cal, I would shake your hand but." He shrugged his shoulders with a casual smile.
"Cal really that sounds a lot like Kaz." Said Nina.
"Does anyone know Kaz's plan B?" Asked Inej as curious as she was her stomach was in knots worrying about the dregs leader.

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