A Simple Job

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It had been two weeks since the whole sharing circle fiasco and Nina had got an ear full by every one of them. She had tried to apologize to Kaz but he just threatened her life if she ever talked about that day again.
Since then Kaz hadn't come back to the Van Eck house. Wylan had invited him to dinner a few times, but Kaz declined each time. Inej wanted to yell at Kaz she wanted to yell at Nina but she knew it wasn't either of their fault, Kaz had problems opening up and they had all jumped to the wrong conclusion, not just Nina.

Inej had thought she might actually miss helping Kaz with his heists.
As if thinking of Kaz summoned him, he walked right through the doorway not bothering to knock.
"Good morning Wraith" he said with a barest hint of a smile. He's in a good mood, Inej thought.
"Good morning, how did you sleep." Inej asked trying to make light conversation as the walked through the richly furnished halls of the Van Eck mansion Kaz's cane keeping time with his steps.
"Bold if you to assume I slept" Kaz said with a rye smirk ghosting his features.
"Well fine then how was not sleeping?" Inej exasperated noting Kaz had his gloves on, this isn't a personal visit she guessed.
"Fine thank you, how did you sleep?"Kaz was being polite, when Kaz was polite it meant he wanted something.
"You didn't come here to talk about my sleep schedule or the lack of yours. What business Kaz?"

Kaz stopped walking, he studied Inej, she had long ago got used to Kaz's stare that could force secrets out of lesser criminals.
"I have a job, but it's different." Kaz said, watching for a tell.
"What's the job?" Asked Inej
"That's the thing, I don't really know." Kaz admitted finally moving his gaze to the hall ahead.
"I don't really expect your help with everything just for one thing." Kaz said, this was bothering him.
"You don't want our help?" Inej asked Kaz lifted her hand as if to inspect it, when had he grabbed her hand? She couldn't remember,
"I don't want to drag all of you through another Ice court. You all have plans and a life. So putting the crew in dangerous situations I know little about is not something I want to do." Kaz explained still holding Inejs hand.
"Tell me what it is and I'll ask them."  Kaz looked relieved at her worlds. Kaz Brekker was asking for help and Inej couldn't believe it.
"I just need some extra hands for one part the rest I can handle." Dirtyhands said like he was trying to convince her still.
"Ok explain."

So Kaz told Inej about his run in with the council of tides just after the auction.
"Saints Kaz, why didn't you tell us about this after it happened." Inej now understood why he was being so weird about this Brekker has had his life threaten probably more then anyone mainly because he was a particular kind of bastard. But seldom was any of these threats truly life threatening. Not because of lack of intent but because Kaz Brekker had a neat trick of making near death experiences come out in his favor. The Council of Tides however was far more dangerous then a rival gang.

"Anyway it only got worse from there, so I want leverage against them." He said
"They won't kill me because they won't risk Jurda Parem getting out but that doesn't stop them from making my life hell, they have been crashing my ships and sending the stadwatch to some of my properties, I've had enough." Kaz said anger flicking in his eyes.
"Don't lie to me Kaz. You don't just want leverage you want to take them down." Said Inej
"No, I just want to make them seriously regret ever threatening me." Kaz amendmenned.

"Ask the others, think about it. I'll be back tomorrow night for dinner." Kaz stated checking his pocket watch pulled from his merchers coat, just before leaving to go about the rest of his day.

So Inej gathered the crew and told them about Kaz's visit. They discussed the risks and decided.

Like Kaz said he would, he came for dinner and just as soon as they were seated Nina began apologizing again.

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