The Reunion

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Here y'all go


The door the the warehouse opened, from the maze of crates hiding the door they could see nothing.
"Kaz?"Jestper called out

"Stop your fussing Jesper I'm just late" a rasp sounds.
Smiles widened on everyone's face
Kaz walked around the corner and stops
His face was blank his hair was messy.
"Hey brother" Cal smiles.
Kaz pulled out a small gun and aims at Cal's head.
"What game is this?"  Kaz stared.
The crows backed away from the brothers.
"It's Cal you know your long lost twin." Cal had on a nervous smile.
"My brother died, I know he died." Something evil was begging to released behind Kaz's eyes.

"I didn't died I ran away from the camp big difference." Cal explained with his hands in front of him like he would be able to catch the bullet.
"Explain quickly" Kaz did not like surprises and Cal was probably a very big surprise.
"Me and 4 other slaves made a run for freedom to my knowledge I alone escaped. I went home they said Da was dead, I was afraid I would be hunted for running away so I stowed away in a boat headed for Ravka, I looked for you guys for years, I joined the military. Please don't shoot me, I'm sorry you thought I died." Cal said everything in one breath.

Kaz didn't lower the gun. He just stared at his brother.
"Please Kaz. It's really me and I have been searching for you and Jordie for years." At his other brothers name Kaz slowly lowered the gun and set it on the crate next to him.

"Am I correct in assuming this was why our very simple plan hit the fan." Kaz said not taking his eye off his brother, hand resting on the gun.
"Yes I'm sorry Kaz." Kas shook his head waving off Inej apology and leaned against the crate.
"It's fine, get the kit." Inej nodded a went in search of the medic supplies.
"Can I at least get a hug?" Asked Cal stepping toward Kaz.
"Not a hugger" his hand instinctively going to the gun. Cal stopped and raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything.
"Did you get it?" Asked Jesper
"Keep your damn mouth shut." growled Kaz turning to the Zemani.
"Where is Jordie?" Cal had waited years to see his brothers. Kaz's attention snapped to Cal then to the floor.
"He's dead." Cal's mind stopped and he sat on a crate across from his lost brother.
"How? How long ago? Tell me every thing"
"About 3 months after you died." Calmly Kaz smoothed back his hair ignoring the last request.

Inej returned with the medical kit. Kaz gingerly removed his nice black jacket, his white button down was soaked red.
"Saints Kaz!" Voiced Jesper.
"Cane Fayhe" was Kaz's only response, Jesper obliged.
"Kaz let me help." Inej moved forward to take his coat.
Kaz ignored her and walked a short distance away from the group. The warehouse was big but it was just one big room with lots of crates, very little privacy. Kaz stripped his shirt and began going through the kit with his back turned to the rest. They all openly stared.
"I'm not an animal, this isn't a zoo. Go find something useful to do." Kaz was pissed and in pain.

Everyone busied themselves immediately. Inej walked toward Kaz and after a moment of debate Cal followed.  Their conversation stopped as Cal got closer.
"What happened?" Cal asked
"God the Ravkan army is really something if you don't know what a bullet wound is." Kaz had been shot in the arm and again in the upper chest neither fatal but they looked bad.
"That's not what I meant. What happened to you and Jordie." Cal clarified.

Kaz inspected his wounds and poured some alcohol on them. He pulled out a needle and thread for stitchs. The shot through his arm had an exit wound, Kaz began stitching the entry wound with practiced ease.
"You get shot often?" Ask Cal surprise at how painless Kaz was making it look.
"Well I try not to, but sometimes it can't be avoided." Kaz said finishing the last neat stitches. He handed the needle and thread to Inej, who got to work on the exit wound.
"Nice tattoo." Said Cal noticing the R on his brothers other bicep.
"I guess we both had to hold on to something." Cal said as he rolled up his sleeve to show Kaz a coin size diamond shape tattoo on the inside of his forearm. To anyone else it was probably just a simple little diamond but to the brothers it meant all they had lost.
Kaz stared at his brothers forearm even after cal fixed his sleeve.
"Why were you guys at the party?" Cal asked
"I had business." Kaz was holding a newly soaked bandage to his chest wound. Cal scoffed and turned to Inej.
"Is he always this obtuse." He asked Inej smiled Kaz winced.
"No...sometimes he's worse." She replied cutting the thread to signal she had finished.
"Do you want me to?" She gestured to the chest bullet hole.
"No send Jesper over." Kaz said as he turned his back to his brother and gave her a nearly nonexistent smile, it was a thank you Brekker style.
Kaz took some tweezers and soaked them in alcohol before trying to retrieve the bullet still in him.
"Can I help you please? I'm not medic but I have training." Cal's face said concerns but his voice didn't faulter .
"No, if I needed help I would ask for it." Kaz said concentrating on the wound grimacing.
Cal didn't reply he just watched his brother breath heavy and work on the bullet wanting to not look but unable to stop.
Jesper and Inej made there way over.
"So how screwed are we?" Called Jesper before they reached the twins
"But can I say how weird it is to see both of you standing next to each other. Like my brain is struggling to keep up." Jesper smile and gestured to the brothers.
"That's no surprise Fayhe your brain struggles with a lot of things." Kaz retorted effortlessly and he set aside his wound in favor of giving orders.
"Ouch that hurt Kaz." The sharpshooter faked a hit to the chest.
"Go double back to the mansion keep a check on things. I likely left a trail of blood on the roofs take care of it. If you see any stray dregs tell them to send Annika." Jesper nodded and left.

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