A Bad Dream For A Bad Person

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Marlon leads me back into the dorm building, showing me which room I'll be staying in. He stops at the door I kicked in, gesturing inside.

"You can have this room, since you're already acquainted." He says.

"Sorry about that."

He shakes his head.

"Its fine. Just get some sleep. I'll need you for something in the morning."

I give him a nod which he returns, then leaves.
Walking into the room, I take off my bag and leave it at the bottom of the bunk. After slipping off my shoes and taking off my hoodie, I sit down on the bed. My bed.
Finally, a place where I can rest and not have to worry about a walker biting me in my sleep.

Its weird, the whole time at the campfire, I felt like someone was watching me and listening in, but I guess that'd be normal, as this place is full of people.

I lay down, and shut my eyes, focusing on trying to sleep. Eventually, I do.

I finally look away from the masks eyes and put it on over my face. Surprisingly, I could see clearer than I thought I would've been able to.

As soon as the couple entered the house opposite the street light, Joey gave me a thumbs up. I ran over to the light and looked over to Joey and Susie. They both motioned for me to put up my hood. I did as they said, but when I looked back, they're gone.

I started to feel nervous. The house door opened and the couple stepped out.

The man looked annoyed.

"Theres barely anything in this neighbourhood, its all been looted. I'm telling you its a waste of time!"

The woman held his hand.

"Come on, just one more house. No point in giving up now."

He sighs as they walked away from the house, then jumped when they finally noticed me.

"J-James?" She tugged on her partners sleeve.

"Stay behind me." He told her, tightening his grip on the bat.

They slowly moved towards me.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

I said nothing, as Joey told me to.
His eyebrows furrow as he notices the mask.

"Whats with the mask buddy? This some kind of joke? Its not fucking funny."

The woman tugged on his jacket.

"James, lets just leave." She said.

"Gimme a second." He told her. "You better get out of here, or else."

He raised the bat, ready to swing.

Out of nowhere, he's tackled to the ground. His partner is put into a choke hold and is dragged backwards.
These attackers were Joey and Susie. They both wore masks, but I could tell by the clothes they were wearing, and how Susie giggled as she dragged the woman away. Joey wore a cloth mask with a skull painted on it, and Susie wore a mask like mine, but with no facial expressions, just cracks.

Joey wrestled with the man on the floor and delivered an elbow to his jaw. He raised his elbow again to go for another strike, but was punched off by the man. Now the man was on top of Joey and he punched his face, again, again and again.
As he went for another hit, Joey was able to move his own head out of the way, causing the man to hit the road. He shouted in pain, and Joey kneed him in the crotch. The man rolled off of him, clutching himself.

Joey got up and stumbled towards the mans bat. He picked it up and beat the mans ribs, delivering two hard blows, until he was pulled to the floor by his ankles. The man got on top of him and kept hitting him over and over, landing a brutal punch to Joeys nose.
Joey tried reaching for the bat again, but the man noticed and grabbed it. He pulled off Joeys mask, and I could see the rage in his eyes, and blood dripping from his nose. The man pressed the bat against Joey's neck and put all his effort into choking him with it.
Joey also put all his effort in trying to lift the bat off, but the man was stronger.
It started to press down further and further, and Joey struggled to breath.

Susie shouted at me.

"Help him for fucks sake!"

She was too busy trying to keep the woman back, so it was up to me.

I wasn't sure what to do. We attacked these people. We were in the wrong.
But looking at Joey being choked, I knew I had to help him.

I jumped onto the mans back and wrapped my arms around his throat, pulling him away. As I pulled him, I punched the ribs Joey had previously beaten with the bat. The man shouted out once again in pain as I relentlessly hit him.
He eventually reached behind him and grabbed me, throwing me onto the ground.

I groaned, arching my back upwards. I looked up as the man stared at me, panting.
Then, his eyes went wide, as a knife went through his neck. A karambit. And Joey was the one wielding it.
The man fell to the floor beside me, choking on his blood as it splurted out from his mouth, and his neck. Joey knelt above him and plunged the knife into his chest. He gripped it tightly, and dragged it from the top of his torso, all the way to the bottom. He stood back up and wiped the blood on his sleeve, looking down at the man who now laid there, dead.

The woman screamed out for her partner, horrified by the sight of his bloodied corpse.
Joey reached out his hand and helped me onto my feet.

"Thanks, kid."

The woman started to cry and fell to her knees as Susie let her go.

"What about her?" She asked.

Joey squated down, looking at her as she cried.

"She's broken. She wont do anything."

He picked up his mask and put it back on.

Susie rips the bag off the woman, then kicks her to the floor.

"Mission accomplished." She jokes.

Her smile dissapears when she noticed me standing above the dead man, staring into his eyes.

"Uhh, Joey?"

Joey turned around and looked at me.


He walked over and put his hand on my shoulder.

"You ok?"

I didnt answer.

He sighed.

"Look, (Y/n), I know you think what we did was wrong, but the worlds changed. We gotta change with it. I wanna see you safe. I did this for you. For Susie. For all of us. So that we can survive. Thats how it is now. Alright?"

I wasn't sure what to think. He had a point. You wont get far in this new world by being nice. That doesnt mean I liked what we did.

Behind Susie, the woman rose to her feet, wielding her partners bat. Her hands were shaking.
I didn't know if I should warn Susie. Joey says we're doing this to survive, but Susie seems to be having too much fun hurting these people. Maybe she deserves whats coming to her. I shouldn't warn her.


But I did anyway.

I pointed behind her and she turned around just in time to duck from the swing. Susie ripped the bat from the womans hand and hit her hard on the head.
She fell to the floor, unconcious.

Susie then turned to me, staring at me, then back at the woman.

"C'mere." She gestured for me to come closer.

I slowly walked over to her and she grabbed my sleeve, taking me to the woman. We knelt down and I felt Susie put something in my hand. A knife. I gripped it tightly as Susie lowered it. She put both of her hands around mine as the knife got closer to the woman. Eventually, it pierced her flesh, going deeper. Susie let go as I kept the knife moving. Eventually, it went as deep as possible. I stood there, watching the blood pour out, as a new feeling washed over me. A feeling I still cant describe. But something in me changed that day.
I took out the knife and stood back up. My hands dripped with blood, as I stared at the woman that I had just killed.

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