Late Night Visitor

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I'm woken from my dream, as rustling and mumbling can be heard in the darkness.
I sit up and let my eyes focus.

"Who's there?"

I hear a voice quietly curse underneath their breath. It was a girls voice. One I'm not familiar with.
My eyes finally adjust to the dark, and I see a blonde haired girl, kneeling on the floor with my bag infront of her.

I quickly got out of bed, clenching my fist.

"What the hell are you doing?"

She looks back to the bag, unzipping it.

"Making sure I know exactly who Marlon let into our school."

She spoke in a passive agressive tone. She had woken me up, and given me attitude while going through my things. To say I was annoyed would be an understatement.

"So what, your first idea was to sneak into my room in the middle of the night and go through my stuff?"

She rolled her eyes.

"If I had asked you in person, all I would've gotten was more lies."

She dug her hand into the bag, searching around.

"More lies? The hell are you talking about?"

She stays silent for a while, then looks me.

"How stupid do you think I am? Everything you said at that campfire was made up. So that means you're hiding something."

Nice one dumbass. First day and you've already gotten someone suspicious.

"Get out of my room. Now."

She ignores me, continuing to look through my bag. Then she finds what I was hoping she wouldnt. The mask.

"What the fu-"

I cut her off by snatching it from her hands.

"Get. Out."

She stands there for a while, looking me up and down, then walks towards the door.
She stops infront of it, looking over her shoulder.

"Im watching you, stranger. Remember that."

Then she leaves.

I stuff the mask back inside my bag.

And here I thought I was getting along well with everyone.

I lay back down on the bed, my thoughts racing.

Will she tell Marlon about the mask? What would he say? What would he do? They'd all think I was some sort of creep and kick me out. Would they recognise it?

It was a challenge to get my mind to relax. After staring at the roof for about half an hour, I manage to fall back asleep, no dream this time.

TWDG Season 4 -- Male Reader x VioletWhere stories live. Discover now