Chapter 22. Illusions end.

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All eyes turned to Kai who hadn't taken her glowing gaze off Reese since they sat down for lunch. She could mark the moment she turned seventeen and felt no mate pull. Free! After all these years of fear for a gloomy and unfair future she was finally free. Eyes filled with pure joy beamed at Reese. Kai jumped up and extended her hand.

"Come to me", she beckoned.

Art realized with anguish the love in his daughter's eyes and felt silent tears gliding down his face. He saw the soft glow emanating from Rafael's key indicating beyond a doubt that the memory spell was indeed blocking her rightful mate, the heir of Arden. Crawling into the arms of Wren, both of them nodded to Rafael who stood up.

"I'm so very sorry Kai, but I can't allow you to join with this young woman."

Black eyes flashed golden.

"We have no mate. Therefore we are free to choose and we both choose her", Jin stated, adding weight to the decision.

A collective gasp was heard after this statement and Art could no longer disguise his tears.

"I wish it wasn't true Kai, but King Consort Rafael is telling the truth. Your true mate is hidden behind a memory spell. You are destined to be the mother of the Werewolf King and mated to the Prince of Arden."

Kai felt like throwing up.

"Why me? Why is it always me?" she accused her parents and the guilty looking Royal pair of Arden. "Well not this time", she shook her head. "I'm done doing your bidding. This time I will take the path I see for myself. I choose my own destiny."

Taking long strides to Reese she again extended her hand.

"Think carefully", Kai warned. "Wolves mate for life."

Baez and August were torn between duty and loyalty. Once Kai and Jin claimed Reese as their mate a holy bond would form almost as unbreakable as their own, but if the heir to the throne of Arden existed than it influenced all of their future's.

King Alexi stood up.

"Please step down Kai. Give us time to find my son and unravel this mystery. So much will be lost if you make a rash decision right now."

Kai straightened her back not planning to back down, Reese however seemed to waver.

"Are you doubting my devotion to you?" Kai asked tenderly not blaming her hesitation after hearing the plea of a King.

"No." Her jade green eyes glowed with love.

"Then accept my hand and our hearts."

"Kai! Don't do this", Wren stood up prompting his sons to follow. "You have been fighting me all of your life and I always admired your spirit and strong will, but damming all of us and this lovely girl just because you want to rebel is wrong!"

Black eyes turned golden.

"How dare you suggest that we would use this holy connection as a way to show our discontent regarding this prophecy. Every fiber in my body and soul is reaching out to her. The Moon Goddess herself could not have picked out a more perfect mate for us."

Art freed himself from the arms of Wren, making a desperate plea.

"Your blood on the Dragon Blade initiated a blood oath distinguishing you from your brothers."

Kai rolled her eyes and Jin snorted.

"That's pure nonsense and you know it", Jin protested. "Mates are born to each other. Blood oaths are powerful but they have no relevance to this situation. You're grasping at straws."

Capture my heart. Legend of the Four Kingdoms Book 2 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now