Chapter 14. Spider in the web.

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With the group splitting up and pursuing their own set task, it wasn't really a surprise for Kai when Princess Selene stated that she asked her brother for permission to collect Reese.

"I just hate the thought of her having to travel alone", she confessed to a nodding Kai.

"The open road is no place for a woman without proper protection. I'm sure she'll be grateful for your kindness."

And thus, in the blink of an eye, she was left with only Baez by her side. All her life she had prepared for and longed to have a future freed from her families influence. Now faced with the reality it couldn't live up to the dream. She literally hated this feeling of not knowing how her loved ones were faring. Her parents should reach the Sanctuary about the same time as they would reach the Capital of Cho, but then it would still take some time for any news to come to her. Just like the detour that August was taken. Kai loved that he had so willingly taken her place to protect Princess Selene, however having two people she deeply cared for in this blind spot was asking almost too much of her.

Baez did his best to lift her spirits during the travel to Salamanca, the Capital of Cho. He had even enlisted the help of General Magnus, who seemed more than willing to indulge him and nearly occupied all of her time. Prince Cedric let it all be which she found surprising. Given how small their party had gotten, he would have had every right and opportunity to pettily order her around.

It's sad to say, but after leaving the Palace of Arden, followed by all the time on the road, Kai was hardly impressed by the bustling Capital of Cho and even less interested in the beauty of the Palace. Her weary head didn't care. Once you've seen one Palace, you've seen them all. Lan was pouting, disappointed by her lack of interest for the splendor of the Royal home.

All Kai wanted and longed for was a hot meal, a bath and a place to rest her head. She had to give credit to the old bag for organizing their return. They arrived late in the afternoon and she wasn't summoned for duty until noon the next day. Lan helped her settle in the servant quarters and she spend the morning in the stables pampering Largos.

Growing up in the Palace, Kai had always paid attention to the movements of the servants. The lower the rank, the higher the expectation of invisibility. Low ranking staff was able to weave in and out of hallways and rooms. Had to be quick to provide aid and fulfil any and all request made. The secret of her success as a runner lay in her understanding of the way the lower staff moved. Looking around the halls here, she could easily apply the same method. This knowledge settled her nerves a little. Reporting for duty was simple and short. Her task would consist of cleaning the Wing where Crown Prince Cedric resided. Her rank excluded access to his private quarters for which she send a lengthy prayer to the Goddess. All she had to do was keep her head down and serve out the remainder four months of her sentence until her birthday.

The estimated week it would take for Princess Selene to return came and went. Kai informed after her status with the Second in Command of the Guards, who had already permitted her access to the training grounds. At first he had literally laughed in her face, but a small demonstration of her skills shut him up nicely. Baez and General Magnus had stoically watch the scene unfold, Prince Cedric curtly mounted his horse and rode off.

"There is a slight delay in their departure, although I'm not familiar with the reason behind it. The party is now expected to arrive in five days", the man told her.

Although her purpose was to hold a military rank in the army of Cho, and preferably with the Guards, Kai felt that her pursuit was put on hold until Princess Selene, her strongest advocate, returned.

Meanwhile she left a good impression with the staff who were pleased with her work and bestowed most of the heavy lifting on her. Kai in turn was grateful that nobody was stupid enough to try and bully her.

Kai found that her curiosity towards Reese grew by the day. Lan had little information about her past, but was able to tell her about her years in the Palace.

"Nine years ago there was a big drought in Cho. Reese was part of the first wave of refugees to flood the city. I'm not sure about the how and why, but fate must have smiled on her because the Queen herself picked Reese as a servant/playmate for her daughter. They have been inseparable since. Reese is a lot like you", Lan stated proudly. "Beautiful, smart and very capable to defend herself and those around her."

Kai thought about it. She liked that Reese had been elevated to such a prominent position despite her humble origin. Lan might not know where Reese was born, but Princess Selene had once said that she was a farmer's daughter. To her this showed how different Princess Selene was from her snobbish brother. His determination to ignore her existence made it clear that, just like her, he intended to sit out this sentence with no willingness to broaden his view on servants. She supposed that King Consort Rafael had meant well, however Kai no longer felt compelled to irk the next ruler of this Kingdom. If all went as planned, she might end up tying her loyalty to the King of Cho. Soldiers don't get to pick and choose their leader. They are loyal to the Crown first and second to the person fulfilling that role.

It felt like the Heavens where conspiring against Kai when the traveling party of Princess Selene was finally announced entering Salamanca through the Eastern Gate. She was unable to sneak away and welcome her home. Apparently the ones who had caused the delay also hindered her now. Another member of the Royal Family of Cho had joined them midway and Kai, along with a buttload of servants, was now hustling to get everything ready for their arrival. Kai had no idea about the identity of the Royal but they certainly didn't travel light. The amount of trunks brought in filling up the wing could hold her entire household three times over. Seriously, who travelled bringing along their furniture?

Lady Vettel of Kildare entered her former quarters with a genuine smile on her face. She set of from Kildare the moment Haris went into the final stage of his illness. Within a few months' time a new King would be crowned. Her network of spies also related to her that Princess Selene was rejected as the next heir of Arden. The reason behind it was simply mind-blowing. How on earth was it possible that the existence of a legal heir to the throne of Arden had escaped her? Her plan to marry of Baron to Princess Selene and thus gaining control of the Kingdom of Arden was blown out of the water. Realizing that all involved where as stunned as she was and now spread out eager for information, calmed her down a little giving room for her calculating mind to come up with an alternative plan.

She sent Baron back to the Palace of Kildare to quietly await her orders for the next step, when she conveniently came across her niece. The young Royal was eager to share her information and some of it was even useful. Hearing that the Wren triplets would be at the Palace only heightened her delight. How wonderful to be able to remove this festering thorn in her side. Their demise would secure her future.

The board was set and all pawns within her reach. She could almost taste the sweet flavor of victory.  

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