Chapter 2. F.M.L!

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Kai didn't regret the choices she made during her parents absence. Arranging her place in the training camp was easy. Maybe too easy because it left her wanting for more. She had never been so far from the Palace and all the overprotective males in her family. If this was what freedom felt like, then she wanted more. A random poster on the wall of the small town they were passing brought her everything she needed.

While her group entertained themselves at the local fair, she went a town over and took place in a recruitment tournament for the Army. She signed up with false information and felt pleased by the variety of men who took part. All looked as serious as her to prove their worth. In fact that was all she wanted to accomplice. It was only ever meant as a way to measure herself against others. Kai never intended to enlist, but was extremely flattered by the recruitment officer who sang her praises.

"I don't get to say this very often, but I think that someone with your skills is wasted in the Army. You're too talented for the ground-forces. Have you ever thought about applying with the Royal Guards instead? They'll be lucky to have you", he said, laughing at her sour expression. Either way he would send a copy of his report to the Captain of the Royal Guard. If the young man ever applied there it would help him stand out in the crowd. 

Too bad for Kai, that report reached Wren two days ago. Puzzled by the description of this new, talented young man and his fighting skills, he had not put two and two together until Dale reported Kai's unsanctioned accompaniment of the training camp.

Casper pushed forward. His golden eyes flashed so that Kai knew whom she was addressing. He felt proud and pissed off at the same time. 

"What did that weasel have to report?" Kai snorted, making the golden eyes narrow dangerously.

"Go home, Kai", Casper growled. "We'll talk about it when we get back tonight."

Kai flinched. The dismissal of the Alpha wolf was hurtful. She'd rather face his anger. His disappointment always made her feel regretful about her actions. Well, maybe not so much her actions, as the way it reflected back on him. Kai knew that it was not easy for him having a daughter like her. Even so, it never stopped her from pushing forward.

"But what about the festivities?" she protested. "Corey is waiting for me." She shot an appealing glance to her mother who unfortunately looked as solemn as her father. Her temper flared. "This isn't fair. Stupid Dale and his big mouth. He always ruins everything."

Casper shook his head. "Don't blame Dale for your actions." Her expression told him she did not agree with his assessment. A deep sigh escaped his lips making Kai plead her case again.

"Please don't send me home. Nobodies there. I'm going to die of boredom." Adding a little pout, Kai saw how the mighty Alpha wolf softened his expression. Almost there...

"Your right. Go to Grandma Moira instead. She'd appreciate the help."

Kai's head turned so fast that she lost her balance and fell face first into the trampled trail. Without giving thought to her muddy appearance, she grabbed her mother's reins.

"But that's ten times worse. Grandma makes me do laundry and household chores. She even makes me wear an apron", Kai cried out with disgust.

Art smiled deviously. "Well yes, I know. That's why it's the perfect place for you to be. Reflecting on your sins and what not."

Kai shook her head sending drops of mud all around her. "Please don't. Anything but that."

A knock from the carriage interrupted a reply from her father. He spurred his horse forward and bend down to hear what the occupant of the carriage had to say.

Wren looked up at Art who smiled down at Kai. "Seems like your request is approved."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you", Kai said happily skipping along the moving horses.

"Don't thank me just yet. I'm sure that whatever your father has in mind will be far worse than doing chores for Grandma."

Wren send Kai a mental picture that stopped her in her tracks.

"Fuck my life!"

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