Chapter 10. The consequenses of thoughtless actions.

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Pushing her way through the crowed Jin finally responded. "Go to the stables. Largos' saddle is packed with the stuff you need to survive for a few days. We both know how the trackers that will hunt us operate. Time is of the essence. With mountains on three sides they probably assume because of Largos that we'll take the easy way to Arden. So, our safest bet is going West to Kildare."

"You're not going to scold me for my rash actions?" Kai whispered ashamed.

Jin sighed. "There's no use crying over spilled milk", he answered firmly.

Kai made a beeline to the stables and found Largos grazing in the back. His saddle pack had been removed so she looked around until she found it. There were a few servants working but no one had bothered her. Yet.

"Hurry", Jin urged when she hesitated for a moment.

"Do you think we have time to explain this to father?"

Jin understood her sentiment however replied no immediately. "We simple can't afford the time. Besides, you must realize that your father would do anything to protect you. Even something as reckless as giving up his life in exchange for yours."

"Jin is right", Kai heard behind her. Startled she turned around looking straight into her father's worried and angry face.

"Your mother had one of his 'hunches'. Seems to me that I've just arrived in time so see you running around like the Devil was on your tail. On my way here Casper picked up the call to assemble for a search because someone assaulted Prince Cedric." He stretched out his hand and touched her short hair. "Seeing this I can almost guess what happened."

Kai stepped into his open arms. "Then you know why I can't stay", she cried.

"Wrong", he hummed kissing the top of her head. "This is exactly why you should stay. Standing up for yourself is always the right decision. Facing the consequences of that decision is part of growth."

Wren held her at arm's length. "Besides, your mother's words were clear. You can't outrun your destiny."

After breakfast Alexi prepared for the business side of visiting Tian Mountain. Looking around the 'Record Hall' he missed his husband at his side. Rafael would have enjoyed the enormous room that in many ways resembled a library. Following the ramrod straight back of the record keeper he had past rows and rows of books emanating a faint glow underlining that despite first impressions this was anything but a simple library. Recorded here were the descendants of Emperor Tian. Every Royal birth was magically recorded. Rulers names appeared in sparkling gold and their heirs in sparkling silver.

Requests for changing an heir required a lot of paperwork with the necessary consent of all parties involved. Then the record keeper would alter the information. It was a lot of hassle, but after a long conversation with Rafael and King Dominic they all concluded that adopting Selene as the next heir to the throne of Arden was the best solution.

Alexi had done all he could to protect the triplets. Now he had to fulfil his obligation to his subjects. They needed stability in these uncertain times. Alexi was surrounded by smart men who all warned him not to let his guard down. Sign were clear that Duran was ready for an up rise.

In his younger years he once met the assassinated King and his son in exile. His first impression hadn't been a good one. Both men lacked in everything he thought a King, good or bad, should be like. It made him realize that Kings are not born but raised.

"I'm sorry, king Alexi", said the record keeper with a baffled expression. "The book will not accept the alteration."

Alexi frowned. "Is something wrong with the paperwork?" he patted on the small pile in front of him.

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