Chapter 13. Parting ways

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"Will you please wake up and hurry downstairs?" Kai heard an unfamiliar voice say. "Breakfast will start in less than ten minutes."

A gentle nudge urged her to open her eyes. Lan, one of the younger servants was kneeling beside her bed.

"Matron will punish both of us if you don't come right now."

Kai looked a little dazed around the small servants room. 'Had last night been a dream?' A quick glance at her fingers made her frown deeper. Nothing. Reason told her that even with enhanced werewolf healing it would take longer than a few hours to heal four deep cuts. Still, every move she had made yesterday was clear in her mind. All up to the point where Prince Cedric jumped her and she cut her fingers on the Dragon Blade.

"That old bag needs to keep her hands to herself," Kai grumbled following the younger girl with a noticeable scowl.

Seated at the breakfast table Wren had noticed a unexpected silent battle between Art, Kai and Prince Cedric. Art tried to get Kai's attention, but she blatantly ignored him focusing all her energy on Prince Cedric who in turn openly ignored her. Wren saw the familiar defiance in her eyes mixed with a glimmer of fear. The light squeeze of his husband's hand was the only thing holding him back from reacting.

"Fine. I'll behave if you stop it with the staring", he whispered to Art, who with difficulty tore his eyes away from his daughter and plastered on a smile.

"I think we're all exited to finally visit the tomb and the Dragon Blade."

Kai ignored the inquisitive glances of her mother and followed every move that Prince Cedric made. There was something in his cold demeanor that seemed off. Normally he exuded an self-righteous arrogance making him appear superior, but Kai could see beyond the mask and recognized the fear she felt herself. It made her wonder even more. What could frighten the next king of Cho? Her fear was plausible. All of her fate lay in his hands. A mere whisper would be enough to end her life.

Kai felt like she was walking in daydream following the footsteps of Princess Selene who seemed more than eager to revisit the tomb.

"I only got to place a bouquet of flowers last time and say a quick prayer. I wanted to wait until we were together to visit the shrine."

On the left side of the Cathedral a decent size hall was made available for women to place offerings and pray. Only those of higher birth were granted access to a secluded niche that held a sideview of the tomb and behind it, the Dragon Blade. The niche had an open connection to the Cathedral and Kai could already hear the men approaching. Thorin opened up his mindlink to Jin so that Kai could follow everything that August saw.

The view let her inhale sharply. No way had she dreamed the events of last night. Everything that passed by August's eyes was already familiar to her. A small gasp escaped her throat when Prince Cedric stopped and clearly froze in front of the Dragon Blade.

"Wow! Talk about authentic", General Magnus exclaimed. "You can still see the blood on the Blade."

The curator rushed forward. "What did you say? There's no blood on the Blade. It's meticulously cleaned after every visit."

"That's a good custom since every able bodied male from the age of twelve is allowed to try and draw the sword", King Consort Rafael nodded. "Nonetheless it is clear for all to see", he said pointing at the Blade.

Kai stared down at her fingers and missed the scorching glare of Prince Cedric.

No good would come from ratting her out right now. He had no explanation as to how Kai got in. Besides that he was still shaken by the fact of waking up in his own bed. The last clear memory he had was jumping on Kai before she could touch the Blade. Seeing the blood he clearly failed, but at least now he knew the ceiling wouldn't collapse if a woman touched the Blade. His eyes narrowed. Kai was smart. He was sure that she would come to the same conclusion. Barely taking his eyes of her he turned his body towards the curator.

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