Chapter 15. Reese who?

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"I can't wait to introduce you to Kai", said Princess Selene as soon as they cleared the Eastern gate scanning the busy street for a familiar face. Slightly disappointed she failed to find her friend.

"I'm sure that all the staff are busy with preparing a wing for Lady Vettel", Reese smiled. Jade green eyes with amber flecks sparkled while she looked over her shoulder. "But if she's anything like her brother then I'm definitely going to enjoy her company."

Meeting Gus had been an eye-opener. Being the personal servant of Princess Selene she was granted full access to the Library. As a natural introvert it had helped her survive the bitterness that comes with living in the palace. The gorgeous young man seemingly shared her love for books. They had many delightful conversations during the slow return home. Hearing August's story she found similarities that made her look forward to meeting the rest of his siblings. Although she herself never actively aspired to a position beyond her station, she admired the passion of Kai to pursue her own destiny.

Reese sighed with relieve when the wagon of Lady Vettel left her company. During the years she met the woman on a few occasions and was always overcome by the same bone-chilling feeling. It pained her to see how freely Princess Selene chatted with her aunt seemingly unable to see the icy disdain in those beautiful brown eyes. She could also do without her lady in waiting. Yet another woman whose smile never reached her eyes.

Reese bit her lip wondering what the future would hold for her Mistress now that she failed to obtain the Throne of Arden. King Dominic was a kind father, but Reese understood that there was more at stake than the simple happiness of his daughter. From her lowly position she never paid close attention to the political side of ruling a Kingdom, nonetheless realizing early on that Royalty weren't much more than slaves in nicer clothes. Princess Selene would go where her father send her, and she would follow, faithfully serving at her side. Maybe Kai could be convinced to resume her role as bodyguard. This way her Mistress would have two confidants to lean on. Pulling her strawberry blonde hair into a messy bun, Reese felt determined to bind this Kai to their sides. No matter what.

But as always, destiny has its own pace.

It took a whole other week before Princess Selene had a chance to catch up with Kai, and it wasn't even at her own effort. The Queen had arranged a meeting following up a letter she had received from her brother in law, King Consort Rafael. His loving description of the girl currently a member of the servant household of her eldest son, made her curious. Even more so was the reason behind her lowly position. Queen Nara had spoken with Prince Cedric on several occasions since his return from Arden and neither he or any in his service had mentioned the unusual punishment. The Queen loved her son, but was aware of his flaws. If executed properly this give and take agreement should teach him important tools for later. Going by the information mentioned it seemed that an intervention was needed for both parties. As how to proceed and obtain the best result was what she wanted to discuss with her daughter.

Kai was regretting her decision to keep a low profile after a week of foolish errands. It was legitimate taunting since Prince Cedric didn't break any rules. The orders were send through Matron, though Kai wasn't fooled one bit. The errands clearly meant to keep her away from Princess Selene and finally meeting Reese. Lan had done more than her share by keeping her informed about her Royal friend's movements, uneventful as they were, but still failed at warding of the sadness that slowly filled her heart.

The summons to report to Queen Nara came unexpected, making Kai wary about the reason behind it. After completing her morning chores Kai followed the servant who had patiently waited for her to finish her work. This in itself was quite surprising. Kai had kept looking over her shoulder expecting impatient or annoyed stares. What she got were soft smiles and a unrelenting relaxed attitude. Walking through the many corridors towards the garden, Kai couldn't help but ask: "Weren't you pressed for time? You waited for almost an hour."

The servant shook her head. "I was told to escort you to the garden at your earliest convenience."

Kai raised her eyebrows. "Why didn't you say so earlier. I might have been able to leave sooner. Doesn't this mean that I kept the Queen waiting unnecessarily?"

A small chuckle reached her ears. "I'm sure that Queen Nara has enough company to soften the blow."

The humor clearly noticeable in sparkling eyes made Kai wonder what kind of Mistress the Queen of Cho was. Most servants had a healthy fear of their superiors. Her clothes didn't suggest she held a high position shielding her from any wrath, so what made her so calm? "Is the Queen that nice to work for?", she asked directly.

"Yes", was the straight answer.

"Why is the Crown Prince so different then?" escaped her.

The servant slowed down. "Even Royals are made of flesh and blood. It would do you good not to judge someone without knowing the reason behind their behavior." Her soft smile faded into a sad one.

"Do you know?"

The servant turned towards her. "I can tell from your tone that you don't ask for gossip purposes, but even so it would violate his privacy. Just know that he's more than worthy to be out next King."

Kai pouted. The servant was clearly over thirty years old, so she couldn't be accused of fangirling. Did this mean that the prick actually had redeemable qualities?

"Yes he does and don't call him prick", came back to Kai making her realize she spoke her thoughts out loud.

A slight breeze carried a multitude of scents her way. In the back of her mind she felt Jin stir. Just before they arrived at the garden she spotted Gus in the corner, his eyes fixated on a spot beyond her vision. Only upon arrival could she see his target, a stunning black haired woman. The threatening growl of Thorin shocked her. Kai let her gaze slide over all attending, barely registering the unbridled joy in jade green eyes.

"Do you smell that?" Jin howled with excitement.

"The fuck you do!" snarled Thorin. "She's mine!"

"I beg to differ", both heard through their shared link. Out of nowhere Baez appeared. "Allaric recognized the scent first. We won't let anyone else claim her." he threatened.

Three pairs of hungry eyes fixated on the same spot.


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