Chapter 3. A New Assignment

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"So I hear you have to report to Lady MacMillan first thing tomorrow", Corey said loading his plate full of food unbothered by the death stare that Kai was throwing him. "Don't look at me that way. You know how quick Palace gossips are", he snorted. "Be grateful Captain Wren allowed you to attend the feast."

Kai huffed in annoyance.

"It's so unfair to be punished when I just proved to be perfectly capable of being in the Army."

Corey shook his head.

"It seems to me that you're just proven the Captain's point by denying his orders. Although more than capable, you're not soldier material, Kai. You are made to protect, not fight in wars. Uncle Spike always says so. I know for a fact that your scores are better than Baez and August. You could be the Personal Bodyguard to the King!" he continued with an audible awe in his voice.

Kai stomped on his foot.

"Ouch...What was that for?"

"For not listening to what I'm telling you", Kai spat at him. "I don't want to be a bodyguard. I don't want to be stuck in the Palace. I want to travel, go places, see something outside these confining and condemning walls."

Finding a table to sit, Corey plopped down on a chair grinning wide while tucking into his loaded plate.

"Then travel", he said with stuffed cheeks. "You turn seventeen in six months. Go out into the world and follow your dream."

Kai slouched into her chair. Why did nobody ever understand what she wanted? She told them often enough. Having her freedom meant nothing without having the right to choose her own path. A path blocked to her because of stupid and antiquated regulations. They were desperate for good fighters. The recruitment-officer had told her so. She fulfilled every requirement save one: She wasn't a man. That more than anything made her determined not to give up.

"Don't understand why you'd want to be a soldier anyway. Follow bossy men who make stupid decisions that could get you killed", he mumbled refilling his glass. "They make you cut your hair you know."

Kai almost chocked on her piece of chicken.

"No way", she cried out in disbelieve. "Dad never said anything about that. I don't think he ever cut his hair."

"Duh. That's because it grew back. But all grunts start the same", he paused for effect, "Practically bald." 

Kai shivered. Her hair was her only source of female vanity. Both her brothers and father had long and beautiful hair, never taken away from their masculinity. So she never saw harm in taking pride in maintaining her luscious locks.

"Please stop talking. You're ruining my appetite."

The morning would be hard to face anyway. The Head of the Royal Household was strict but fair. Kai knew from previous encounters that she would not be required to wear the official maids uniform, but could count on doing some hard labor. So be it. Given the opportunity she would make the same choices.  

Breakfast the next morning was a silent affair. Kai kept stealing glances at her father and he kept ignoring her. Only when he placed a letter before her was the silence broken.

"You will give this letter to Lady MacMillan. It contains an official notice of transferring departments. As of this moment you are assigned to the Royal Household and will quietly obey any and all tasks that are given to you."

"Oh dear Goddess", Jin sighed when he felt his human explode into outrageous anger.

"You can't be serious about this. I thought you were just punishing me for breaking your stupid rules. Why do you have to sign me over? For how long?" Kai asked closing her fist around the offensive piece of paper.

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