Chapter 17. Scent of a Woman.

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Prince Cedric was surprised by the update that both Baez and August assumed their wolf form after waking up, but that Kai was still human.

"Why the difference?" he asked his exhausted sister who had spent all night researching.

"Not sure. I have read in several texts that wolves recognize their mate through scent. Given their exposure to Lissa they should all been effected the same way."

"Initially they were", Prince Cedric nodded. "The difference came after they woke up. The wolves are no longer aggressive just restless. Kai is meditating."

Princes Selene shook her head. "That doesn't sound like Kai. Please don't fall for her tactics."

Before Prince Cedric could react a guard came running.

"The woman attacked our guards and tried to escape. We barely managed to subdue her", he reported.

"How is she now?" Princess Selene asked worried.

"I'm afraid that she sustained several wounds during the struggle, Your Highness. However she is refusing any treatment."

Reese frowned. "What color are her eyes?"

The guard shook his head. "I don't know."

Reese turned to Princess Selene who looked at her inquisitively. "Discolored eyes would mean that her wolf is in control even if she didn't shift."

Prince Cedric had taken a seat in the windowsill and looked over the impressive Palace he called home. Pushing away unwanted pictures accompanied by unwanted feelings he sighed.

"Since scent is important to a wolf, maybe it's possible to make use of it."

Princess Selene snapped her fingers in agreement.

Two pair of blue eyes turned to Reese who quickly grasped the concept.

"By wearing Lissa's clothes I might be able to approach Kai and asses her wounds, if possible even treat them."

Princess Selene showed a sad but appreciative smile. "You are taking a huge risk, Reese."

The girl shook her head. "Kai won't hurt me. I just need to reach out to her wolf and convince her that I'm good people."

An hour later, leaving Princess Selene to more reading, they set off towards the holding cells. They past the cells containing the restlessly pacing wolves of Baez and August. Funny that between the two identical black wolves, Prince Cedric had no trouble keeping them apart.

Reese didn't notice his slight shiver because she was too busy rummaging through her medicine bag. She never treated a supernatural being before and was hoping that although wolves had a pretty high recovery rate, she would still be useful in helping Kai. She wasn't surprised that Princess Selene didn't know the name of Kai's wolf. Only those closest like direct family and a mate were privy to that information.

Reese had seen the Delta's in the guard and knew how to handle herself in their company. Kai shouldn't be that much different although she never felt nervous around the other female guards.

Lissa's clothes felt itchy on her skin and she couldn't wait to take them off.

"Will you stop fidgeting. It's annoying as Hell", Prince Cedric chided her.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, but these clothes are itchy." A finger behind her collar revealed a reddish skin.

Prince Cedric stopped just before the reached the back cell where Kai was being detained. "You have allergies?" he asked urgently.

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