I'm back! (Kinda) And heres a chapter!

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I'm back bitches! Miss me? No? Oh, ok....... anyways, here you go! (If your wondering were I was, I was playing animal crossing and doing school shit.)

Blue's P.O.V.

Uhhhhh, what just happened..... who cares. At least he's gone, For now. Oh right, Week off! I smiled remembering I don't have to do anything for an entire week. Maybe I can pay a visit to a friend. I got ready and teleported to the forest. I opened a portal and stepped through. I close my eyes from the blinding white lights. Once my eyes adjust I look around. Blank and white for miles. I see a figure in the distance and started walking. Once I got close enough I realize there was two. Why would anyone else be here? Why would he let someone be here? I thought. I got a little closer and realized it was..... Ink! Why is she here!? Don't Ink and Error hate each other? Why are they hugging? I thought about it and realized. No way, they can't possibly. Error leaned down and gave Ink a quick kiss on the cheek. Oh my god, they are! Ok, this is awkward..... I think I should leave. I turned around and started quickly walking back. "Blue?" I froze and turned around. Ink and Error blushing brightly. Ink shoved Error away. "B-blue, this isn't..... I-I we weren't, I just....." "WeRe DaTInG." Error said. "Hey!" Ink shouted, clearly extremely embarrassed. "O-oh, uhhhh congratulations? Anyways I didn't mean to barge in on you two or anything." "Wait, your not mad?" Ink asked nervously. "No, and besides I just wanted to say hi." "So, are you two friends?" Ink asked. "Yeah, he kidnapped me for a few months but we just became friends and he let me go." "W-wait, kidnapped!" Ink blurted out. "Hey, calm down. I forgave him, and besides I don't even care anymore." "How long ago was this?" "One to two years, I think?" "So you two have known each other for that long, and didn't say anything?" "You two have been dating for how long, and didn't say anything?" "Oh, I guess that makes sense."

(Time skip)

Dust's P.O.V.

It's been about five hours of me sitting alone in my room. For the entire time I've been listening to music. I hear a faint noise and look up to see Killer. I sit up and take off my headphones, she smiles and hands me a bowl of mint chocolate ice cream. I gladly take it and she leaves still holding two bowls. *sigh* what would we do without her? I thought. After I finished my ice cream I went downstairs to put my bowl away. I see Horror on the couch watching tv. Is everyone else gone or something? So far I've only seen him, Night and Killer. I wonder if everyone else left. "Hey Horror!" I call out. "Yeah?" He responds, turning to face me. "Is everyone else gone?" "Yeeh, they left pretty early this morning. Sep' for Cross, no one seen him since sometime yesterday." "Kay, thanks." I head back to my room and get ready. Once I was all dressed I head out to Blue's again. Once I got there I walked around for a bit. After wandering for a while, I find a good spot and lay down. I lay starting to daydream . After a bit I opened my eyes and stare up at the sky. My eyes start to get heavy and I slowly start to doze off until I here a faint noise next to me. I here them move closer to me. I immediately shot up and turn to see Killer laying down next to me sleeping. I sigh in relief and calm myself down. I take a deep breath and slump back into the snow. "Jeez, don't sneak up on me like that....." I quietly whispered. I close my eyes and drift to sleep.

Blue's P.O.V.

After cleaning my room a bit I head outside. I was walking to my spot and halfway there, I see Dust and Killer sleeping in the snow. Curious, I walked over to them and stood at there feet. Killer was shifting around and groaning while Dust made no noise and no movement. I poked Killer's face and she didn't do anything. I did the same to Dust and got the same reaction. I shook Dust's leg and tapped his shoulder. Wow, there out cold. Literally. I moved and sat next to them pulling out a cigarette. I lit it and took a huff, blowing a smoke ring. Heh Heh, took me a bit to learn that. When I was finished I stuck it in the snow hearing it hiss. I laid back and pulled out my phone, putting some music on. Listening to the music I start to get sleepy. I heave a sigh and turn onto my side getting comfy.

Stretch's P.O.V.

I was watching Blue for a bit until she went into the forest, then I lost her. She's been acting weird and I want to know why. And I know she's keeping secrets from me to. She spends a lot of time in the forest doing who knows what. She'll been in there for hours before she comes out again. Once she told me she went to see Al for a bit but she didn't even set foot in waterfall. Finally I decided to go into the forest where she went.

Killer's P.O.V.

I woke up from a nightmare, breathing heavily with sweat dripping down my skull. I clench the snow trying to catch my breath. Finally I calmed down and turned to see Dust and..... Blue? When did she get here? Eh, I don't really care. She's actually pretty cool, and nice once you get to know her. I sat cross legged and realize there was music playing now. I smiled hearing my favourite song. My expression changed as I herd something over the music. I listened closely hearing..... Footsteps! I immediately started shaking Dust, trying to wake him. He opened his eyes and sat up. I shook Blue knowing she probably wasn't supposed to be here. She got up and me and Dust stood up. Blue stood up still dazed. Dust rubbed his eyes and asked what was happening. I shushed him and his eyes widened as he herd the footsteps. He grabbed Blue and her stuff and we bolted deeper into the forest. Once we thought we were far enough, we stopped to catch our breath. Blue must have been pretty sleepy because she fell asleep again. Dust put her down in a comfortable position then sat down still panting slightly. I sat down next to them and flopped back into the snow, sighing heavily.

1132 words, and funny story..... I can't remember very much. Oh well, Bai!

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