Chapter 19

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Stretch's P.O.V.

I herd some ruckus and started heading in that direction. As I started to get closer I here shuffling and footsteps that quickly start heading the opposite direction as me. I pick up the pace and found a spot in the snow by a tree. Three silhouettes imprinted in the snow. And a burnt out cigarette. Hey, that's the same kind I get. There's no way Blue would..... would she? She's always hated the thought of smoking. I brushed it off and turned my gaze to the footsteps and continued on.

Dust's P.O.V.

"I don't think it's a good idea to stay here." I tell Killer. She nods her head in agreement, then opened a portal. "Where does this lead?" I asked. "Home." "W-what? We can't just take her with us!" "Well what do you wanna do with her?!" "I! Ummm......" She just sighed loudly and went through. I hesitantly went through and the portal closed behind me. We were in Killer's room. Cleanest room in the castle. Even cleaner than Night's. "Just put her on my bed." I nod and walk over to her bed and place her down. "Hey, actually what time is it?" Killer asked. I checked my phone. "12:22pm. Guess it's time for lunch. I'm starvin." "You guys always are. But your all to lazy to cook for yourselves." She said getting up and heading for the door. "Just don't let anyone in, and don't let her out. I'm going to make something for everyone to eat. I swear to god if I catch you or her outside this room." "Jeez mom I get it." I said rolling my eyes. She look back at me and glare before leaving, slamming the door shut.

(Welp, as you can see the background is very very crooked, and I hate myself for that but whatever

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(Welp, as you can see the background is very very crooked, and I hate myself for that but whatever. Also I can't tell if my style changed or not, I feel like it did.)

I sighed and laid down next to Blue. I grabbed her and pulled her close to me, hearing her snoring softly. I smiled and closed my eyes. They immediately jolted back open as I felt Blue snake her arms around me, pulling herself closer and putting her leg up on me. I relaxed and closed my eyes again.

(Time skip)

I woke up and sat up drowsily, slouching and rubbing my eyes. It took me a bit to realize, but when I noticed I stood up and panicked. Blue was gone! Fuck fuck fuck FUCK! Where the hell did she go! God I hope someone hasn't seen her. What if Killer finds out! She'll probably hit me, or break a bone. Or worse! Not cook for me for a week! There's no way I could survive that long without food. Well, I could try to convince Blue to cook for me. Oh! Right, I have to find her! I quietly opened the door and looked around, nobody was there. Just as I stepped out and closed the door, I herd a voice. "And what do you think your doing?" I froze and tensed up, slowly turning my gaze to the one talking. I tall black skeleton towering over me, goop dripping down from him. My eyes met with his dimly lit cyan eyelight. He looked down at me, his arms crossed and tentacles swaying impatiently. "Nightmare! U-uhhhh, I-I- I j-just was ummm....." I tried to think of an excuse but I was frozen in fear. I could easily tell today he was really grumpy. He lunged at me grabbing the collar of my hood and pulled me close making me stand on my toes. "I beg your pardon? My apologies but, I couldn't quite understand what you were saying." "I-I was j-just ummm, y-you know. Looking for Killer?" "Is that right? Then you and me can walk together and look for her, shall we?" He said letting go making me stumble backwards. He beckoned me over so I went and we started walking. I followed behind quickly and quietly trying not to upset him any further. Everyone knows not to bug Night when he's grumpy. He's not usually very nice on bad days. He can lash out and hurt someone, or be very short-tempered. Sometimes even unhinged and violent. Usually seeing Killer would calm him down. But in my case, if we find her, she'll be mad with me. If we don't Night could do something bad. As we were walking I noticed Blue wandering in front of us. I soul nearly stopped. Night didn't seem to be paying attention so he didn't notice yet. I felt slight relief and started waving my arms. She turned her gaze to us and froze. I signalled her to go and she quietly bolted in the opposite direction. I lost sight of her as she went around a corner.

818 words, a little on the shorter side. Sorry it took so long, I'll try to update more frequently, even so it still could take a bit for chapters. Anyways hope you like it, bai!

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