Chapter 23 (sorry for making u wait)

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Killer's P.O.V.

Welp, guess Error knows now..... not much we can do but try to keep him quiet. I was snapped back into reality when Error cleared his throat before talking. "So, DuSt aNd BlUe? H-hOw lOnG hAvE tHeY kNoWn eAcH oThEr?...." Error asked me nervously. "Uhhhm, they've known each other for aboooooout...... a month maybe? I'm not exactly sure." I replied to him. He looked surprised. I probably would be too if I just found out. "H-hOw lOnG hAvE tHeY bEeN dAtiNg?" "Dating? Now that's a different story. Dust ended up liking Blue when they first met or something. Blue on the other hand hated him. He kept bugging her and stuff. Something happened and Blue finally started liking him back. But answer your question, they probably have only been dating for around a few days at least." "LaSt qUeStIoN, WHY ARE YoU SO fUCKING CALm ABOUT IT?!!!" I put a finger to my mouth and shushed him. "Quiet! It's supposed to be a secret!" I thought about what he asked me. I realized, I don't actually know why. Why was I ok with them being together? Maybe I was just happy to talk to another girl, or happy another family member might be joining. Ether way I didn't care. As long as my best friend was happy, I was happy. I made it to my room and entered, Error went to do who knows what. I fed my cats and snake then went over to my closet to pick out an outfit for my date. I grabbed one of my cropped turtlenecks and a matching coat with some short shorts and thigh high heels. I also grabbed a few extras. Once I had everything ready I went to go wake up everyone in the castle and check if Cross is back yet. Everyone's getting really worried. He's been gone for a few days and nobody's herd from him. I make my way to Cross's room and knock loudly..... no response. "Cross? You back yet?"...... no response. I open the door and turn on the lights. I scan the room but see nothing. I turn off the lights and close the door. Guess he's not back..... I leave and head to Horror's room next. I knock on the door and hear shuffling, then silence. I knock again and hear some noises. I opened the door and see a sleepy looking Horror moving around under his blankets. "Rough night?" I ask. He just nodded tiredly. "Sorry, I'll let you sleep then. Breakfast will be in two hours." I add before leaving Horror to himself. Next was Fell. I knock on his door and he answered. "Hey, just checking to see if your up. Also I'm going to cook in a couple of hours." "M'kay, thanks." He says then closed the door. Pretty sure that's everyone. I'll go see how Nighty is. I head upstairs to the third floor towards Nightmare's room. I look to see his bedroom door open so I take a peek. I hear some noises but it's so dark I could barely see. I could only see a shadowy figure and it's one..... no two glowing eyelights, but there..... purple? "Yes killer? What is it my dear?" He asked, in a deep soft voice. It sounds different but familiar. "U-uhhh nothing! I just wanted to see you. Also umm are you ok? Somethings off about you." I asked. "Yes I'm fine darling. No need to worry." He replied. "O-okay, if your sure. After I cook for everyone I'll meet you wherever you wanted to go." I say before I leave. What just happened? Did something happen to him? I hope he's okay.

619 words, I know it's been like a hundred years and the chapters really short but I'll try to make it up to all of you. Also here's a drawing I made of Horror! Hope you like it, bai!

 Also here's a drawing I made of Horror! Hope you like it, bai!

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