Chapter 22

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Blue's P.O.V.

I wake up to a freezing cold room, yawning and stretching before sitting up. I look next to me where Dust was sleeping only to find his side of the bed empty. I look at the time and see it says 5:13. I shiver feeling the coldness in the room get to me. I get out of bed, taking a blanket with me. Once I step off the carpet, I was stunned by the icy coldness of the black stone floor. I withdraw my foot back onto the carpet, staring down at the floor. I stare down at it before braving up and walk towards my clothes. I touch them feeling them still wet. Guess it's to cold or something. I jolted as I herd a knock on the door, then hear a voice on the other side of the door. "DuSt yOu AwAkE yEt? If YoU DoN't aNsWeR I'M cOmInG iN." Oh no...... Panicked, I quickly run back to the bed and cover up. A moment goes by before I hear the door open and someone step in. "DuSt, NiGhT waNtS tWO sEe YoU." I lay under the covers, nervously waiting for him to leave. Instead he comes closer. "DuST, gEt Up." He says pulling off the covers. I lay there curled up in a ball with my eyes shut tightly. I feel the cold air surround me as I vaguely open an eye socket. I look to see Error standing there looking at me. A few seconds later he immediately crashes. "Shit, fuck fuck fuck fuck!" I say getting up to shut the door. While running to the door I slammed into something. I fall backwards holding my head. When I look up I see Dust standing there. "Woah, calm down Blue." He says looking down on me. I immediately started talking incoherently and pointing towards Error. "Hey, can you chill down!?" He said before looking up to see Error standing there rebooting. "...... HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!" He yelled, then immediately slammed the door shut. "Shhhh!!!" I said, gesturing for him to be quiet. We both turned our attention back to Error who was a quarter way done. "What the fuck are we supposed to do?!" Dust asked, clearly in panic mode. "I don't know! Me and him are friends so he should be able to understand!" I didn't mention Ink just in case. "Wait, friends?" "Yeah long story but not for now!" Me and him take Error and tied him up at the foot of the bed, just in case. Just as we finished he was done rebooting. He blinked a couple of times and tried looking around. "BlUe?" He said confused. "It WaS yOu RiGht? I wAsnN't SEeInG tHiNGs?" I sighed heavily pinching the bridge of my nose. "Yes, yes it was....." I replied to him disappointedly. "W-wHy Am I BOnDEd?" "So you don't try to make a break for it." Dust said clearly displeased. "DuSt? WhAT's BLuE dOiNg HeRE?!" He asked him. "We'll explain later when your blind ass eyes clear." "HeY, wAtCh iT iDiOt!" "Why should I when you probably can't?" He pushed. I snorted trying not to laugh. "I said quit it dumbass! I don't wanna hear your stupid insults!" "Your even lucky you can hear, can you imagine? Blind and deaf?" He remarked with a sly grin. Once again I snorted even more. " I can see, you don't like my jokes." I started laughing not being able to contain myself. Poor Error could only scream as we laughed at him. "Heh heh he, I'm sorry Error p-please ha ha! Please don't be mad a-at *snort* at me! Heh he!" I kept laughing slightly. Dust stopped though. "Yeah we're just jokin' around. Anyways can you see yet?" He said waving a hand in front of Error's face. "I gUeSs....." he muttered. I finally calmed down, holding my side breathing harshly laying on the bed. I let out a heavy sigh and sat up, wiping my eyes. I wrapped the blanket around me again and crossed my legs. Dust leaned down to be eye level with Error. "So, you found out our little secret huh? If you tell I'll dust you, got it?" He said threateningly to him with a wide smile and empty sockets, holding a knife to his throat. "You know ur stupid threats don't work on me?" He said. Dust just sighed and stood up. "Hey Dust, why's it so chilly in here?" I asked. "Huh? Oh yeah, it's always like this. Dunno why but it is." I got up and went to stand in front of Error. I crouched down and started begging and pleading for him to to tell. Even though it looked really painful for him, he said no. "Sigh Please don't make me do this." I said to him. "D-dO wHaT?" He asked. "Threaten you, duh!" I said. Error just laughed at me. Before I could do anything, we herd a knock. "Dust, Blue I'm coming in!" We herd a voice. A few moments later Killer came in. She froze at the sight. "Uhmmmm, should I go or......." "KiLlEr HeLp Me!" Error yelled out. I covered his mouth so he wasn't to loud. She walked in and closed the door. "So what happened?" She asked. "He walked in looking for Dust and found me instead. Now we don't know what to do....." I answered. "Oh, can't you just explain to him or something?" She recommended to us. "Ummm well I guess we could."

(After the explanation)

"Ok, I gUeSs Tt MAkEs sEnSe." He says. I leaned in next to him and whispered to him. "And if you even think about telling, I'll tell them about you and Ink. Got it." I said sending chills down his spine. "Good!" I said cheerfully. I stood up and took Dust's knife, cutting Errors bonds. "Well, I'm gonna make breakfast in around three hours. Bye!" Killer said, leaving the room. Error following her, not wanting to be alone with us.

Dust's P.O.V.

I let out a sigh and laid down on my bed. Blue climes on top of me, straddling my hips making me blush. She runs her hands up my shirt making me blush even more. She traced her small hands up and down the jagged bones, feeling all the scars and cracks. She takes her hands out and crawls up higher, sitting on my chest. She leans down and kisses me passionately. Both of us blushing brightly. She takes my hand and puts it up her shirt. I feel her small slim frame. "Wait, are you sure?" I ask if she's ok with it.

1111 words, there's two options to choose between. Ether, they stop there or keep going. I'll leave it up to all you cuz I really don't know what to do. Also school starts in 4 days, k Bai I guess......
(Also tell me if you see a typo, I finished this at 4:15am)

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