Chapter 25

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Blue's P.O.V.

I was lying on Dust's floor staring up at the ceiling. It was still icy cold in here. The bed was still an absolute mess. Dust had gone down to the kitchen. My body still ached but the hot shower helped, there also wasn't as much blood this time. My clothes were finally almost dry, for now I wore one of Dusty's hoodies. It was way to big but I didn't care. It covered most of the markings. Suddenly the door swung open. Dust walked in and handed me a plate of food. I noticed that was the only one. "Wait, what about you?" I asked. "I'll eat later. I gotta do everyone's laundry." "Why?" "Cuz it's my day to do it, and you don't want anyone to see our mess do you?~" My face lit up slightly and I shook my head. "Thanks for letting me borrow your hood...." "no problem baby blue~" he said with a smirk, making me blush.

" "no problem baby blue~" he said with a smirk, making me blush

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"Hey Blue." We both turned to the door. Killer stuck her head out, not noticing the bed. "Oh Killer, what is it?" I asked panicked. "Wanna come try on some clothes?" She said excitedly. "Uhhh, sorry but it right now." I answered.  "You know, I kinda have to do something so......" I said nervously. "Oh, you sure? Ok then. I kinda just need something to take my mind off....... you know." "Sorry I couldn't help you." "It's fine! Later!" She said leaving. Dust grabbed all his beddings and brought it into the hall, a trolley at the door. "See ya, I gotta o now. You can do what you want." He said winking before he left. I laid on the now bare king sized bed. Apparently everyone in the castle has a bed this big, except nightmare. His was the biggest. I rolled off the bed and changed into my clothes. "There not very dry or clean but I'll just change when I get home." I left a note on Dust's bed before leaving. I decided to keep the sweater he lent me. Once I was on the porch I quietly open the door and look around. Nobody inside. I head in and immediately go to my room. I let out a sigh and change into some clean comfy clothes. I set Dust's hood down on my bed and put my dirty laundry in the basket. I decide to clean the house a bit before cleaning my room. Papyrus isn't gonna be happy I left again..... whatever! What does he care anyway. I think, angrily sweeping. I sweep up the dirt into the dust pan and dump it in the small garage can in my room. I put the broom away and start organizing my closet. Once I've completely finished cleaning and organizing I heave a sigh and flop onto my bed. Once again staring up at the ceiling. I bring a hand up to touch my neck. Blush dusting my cheeks as the sensation of earlier came to mind. My fingers ghosting over the bites and hickeys littering my neck. I groan in embarrassment as I bury my face in my pillow. I turn over to see Dust's hood next to me. I reach out, gripping onto the sleeve. I pull it over clutching it firmly. What's wrong with me? Why am I like this? I feel so lonely without him...... I've only been away from him for a bit. Yet I miss him. His icy glare, his muscly body, the scars, his voice. I wasn't even supposed to like him! But here I am. That idiot, this is all his fault for making me like this! I shuffle around before sitting up hugging the hood tight. I immediately get snapped back to reality as I hear the front door open. I tense up not knowing what to do. He's back? Already? I thought he'd still be sulking! I covered the hood in my blankets along with myself. I turn towards the wall so if he came in he wouldn't see my face. I hear movement downstairs and clattering , followed by footsteps. I hear a surprised noise from him before he comes dashing into my room. The door swung open forcefully and I hear him call my name. I completely freeze hearing my name. I lay there paralyzed and unable to move. I shut my eyes tight pretending to sleep. His footsteps approach me, coming to a halt at the edge of my bed. I try my hardest not to pull away as I feel his hand stroke my arm. He sighs relived that I'm ok before sitting on the bed. Shit shit shit! What now?! I wasn't expecting this! I continued to pretend sleeping as he brushes his fingers against my cheek. My grip tightens and my eyes shut even tighter than before. I almost cried of happiness when he finally stopped to get up and leave. I heard his footsteps heading to his room. I hear him go in, closing the door behind him. I exhaled the breath I didn't know I was holding. He probably went to sleep after most likely looking for me for the entire day. I relaxed my body and rolled onto my back. Now what?...... Not much to do here. Plus I'm exhausted. I turn to stair up at the ceiling again.

Very short chapter, sorry. I literally have no idea what to write. Writers block. Thank u and goodnight. :)

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