Attempted Kidnapping

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Stretch's (swap papyrus) P.O.V.

Huh..... well that was interesting, I guess my laziness is finally getting to her, heh. Maybe somethin' I don't know about is buggin' her. I've never seen blue act like that before. I gotta start payin' more attention to people.

(Time skip to the next day)

Dust's P.O.V.

I wanna go back to that Au I went yesterday. Seemed really interesting for a "pacifist"  rout, If I can even call it that. And that skeleton was so cute and small. Maybe I can bring her here. Nobody's gonna notice just one skeleton, right? I mean there's the whole underground. All I have to do is get her to go where nobody will see us, like deep in the snowdin forests. I can do It later cuz I think were gonna go on another mission in like three minutes. After the mission Nightmare said everyone can do whatever they want. I looked over to see Killer flirting with Nightmare who was sitting on his throne. "Killer I swear your gonna end up on cleaning duty if you don't stop!" Nightmare yelled at killer while blushing slightly. Killer immediately stopped but blew a kiss before leaving to go join the others. "He's gonna give in some day Killer, don't worry" Horror said to Killer. "Oh, I know he Is." she said before turning her attention back to Nightmare while blushing. Nightmare was apparently staring but quickly turned away and blushed when everyone including Killer looked over.

(During the mission)

We were almost finished destroying snowdin when the star sanses showed up. "A LiTtEl LaTe To ThE pArTy ShOrTy~" Error said with a smirk as everyone lined up in a battle stance. I looked to see the cute skeleton from yesterday standing with the opposing side. Ink blushed before she yelled "Quit calling me that! And leave if you don't wanna get your team beat!" "I don't think we're going anywhere" Killer said before charging towards them, and everyone else fallowed. Ink went head on with Error and killer, Dream was fighting Cross and Fell and Blue was with me and horror.

(After the failed mission)

Everyone burst into the castle groaning because of how tired and soar they were from fighting. The mission took longer than it was expected to. We ended up retreating because some of us were barely fighting back (Me, Error and Cross). Everyone but Me, Killer and Error went to there rooms to rest and/or take a nap. Killer most likely went to go look for Nightmare and Error was digging around in the kitchen. I took a quick 10 minute break on the couch before going to back Underswap. After I opened a portal, I was interrupted by someone. "Hey, where you going?" I turned around to see Killer holding her cat Beast. "uhhhh..... just out" "You hesitated" she said with her cat glaring at me as I started to sweat a little.

 just out" "You hesitated" she said with her cat glaring at me as I started to sweat a little

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"W-well I...."  "W-well I what?" "Don't mock me! And I said I'm just going out!" I yelled at her, trying to keep my temper. "jeez, fine dickhead, I only asked were your going!" she said before storming off. I turned around and went through the portal, not noticing something fallowing me.

Blue's P.O.V.

"Ughhh...." I groaned out walking to my favourite spot in snowdin. "I'm so borrrrrrrrrrred..... and there's nothing to do! Maybe a quick nap wouldn't hurt." I said as I see the tree in sight. I then went to sit down and getting comfy under the tree. I sighed as I finally felt relaxed after walking the entire day. "Jeez, I wonder how much I work my ass of and nobody appreciates it." I said starting to get sleepy. I yawned closing my eye sockets starting to fall asleep. Just as I was going to sleep I herd footsteps coming towards me. I quickly got up getting my knife ready but not fully pulling it out just incase. I waited for more noise but herd nothing. I tried to calm myself but for some reason I still had this feeling someone or something was watching me. I turned and put my head against the tree. " Come on, keep it together, Your just more tired than you thought, Right?" "Nope!" I herd and quickly tried to turn around to see who it was but couldn't because somebody pinned me to the tree. "Gahhh.... Hey asshole, let me go!" I yelled still trying to see who it was. "Nah, your not going anywhere~" he said before trying to tie my hands together. He let go with one hand to grab some rope out of his pocket. I took the chance and got loose then quickly dove over to the next tree pulling out my knife. "Ohhhh, getting feisty now are we?" he said before also pulling out a knife. "Hey! your the guy I was fighting yesterday!" I said then quickly charged towards him, trying to stab him. He swiftly dodged then kicked my leg making me fall over. He tried to pin me down again but I quickly rolled over than got back up getting ready to attack again. He summoned some bones and shot them at me and I summoned my Gaster blasters and blasted the bones then tried to hit him next. And guess what? He dodges it. Just as I was gonna attack he charged towards me and slammed me against the ground. "Get the fuck of of me jerk!" I shouted at him. "Come on baby blue, I'm only having some fun~" he whispers to me before kissing my neck. I started blushing a lot then scratched one of his ribs with my knife and blood started to leak through his shirt. He growled then stopped and looked at me. "You like it rough huh? That's fine with me~" he said then bit hard on my neck. "GAHHH!!! Stop it, Stop it, Stop it!" I screamed feeling blood leaking out. I started hitting and kicking trying to get away but he held my arms down by my wrists. After a bit I felt him stop, I looked up to see him get flung of and hit a tree.

1067 words, and a cliff hanger! ha ha ha! Writing is starting to get easier for me now.
Also you like the picture I made? =^•w•^=
Thanks for reading this trash, Bai!

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