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Blue's P.O.V.

I had downed three bottles so far. I'm almost finished with this one. The only one I hadn't drank yet was the vodka. It's my favourite so I'm saving it for last. As I was sitting on my bed completely drunk I here the door open and close. I tried hiding the bottles but one of them ended up smashing. I panicked and tried scraping it under the bed, I got most of it under but ended up cutting my hands. I slid my hand through a small puddle of whiskey making the cuts burn. Blood now dripping from my hands, papy bursts through the door and looks at me. His face immediately lights up and he dashes over hugging me tightly. I just sit there as he continues hugging me. He pulls back with an unreadable expression. He looks behind me and leans over and grabbed the almost empty bottle of tequila behind me, then looks at me. Ah shit, this isn't gonna end very well. "A-are you drinking!?" He asks. "Yeah, duh. I MEAN NO!!!" Fuck, I hate myself. He sees blood leaking down my hands and arms onto my legs and panics. "What the hell were you doing?!" He yells and grabbed my wrists then rushed to the bathroom. Once in he turned the tap on and rinsed the dripping blood from my hands. It stung, a lot. He carefully wiped my hands to examine them. He says he feels something but doesn't know what it is. He grabbed it and carefully started pulling. He pulled out a huge shard of glass that had dug into my hand. He looks horrified and started panicking. "What the hell were you doing?!" He yelled. I shut my eyes and put my hand on my head as stretch's yelling was giving me a headache. He dumped half a bottle of peroxide on my hand and I tried to wrestle him the entire time screaming. He wiped my hand off and started looking for glass shards that were left in my hand.

(Time skip 32 minutes)

I gave up fighting him a while ago and let him take the glass out. When he finished there were thirteen pieces sitting on the sink. He cleaned it more then wrapped it up with bandaids. And awkward moment of silence goes by before he finally say something. "Are you ok?......." he asks. "I'm fine......" "No your not. I can tell your lying to me. Just tell me what's wrong!" "So what if I'm lying! It's not like you lie to me all of the goddamn time!!!" I screamed at him. It takes me a second to realize what I said, but it was to late. I cover my mouth and he stares at me shocked, but it fades to a dark blank expression. "I-I I'm sorry, I'm drunk. I'm going to bed. Night!" I say then get up and leave to my room, slamming the door behind me.

(11:46 p.m.)
I lay in my bed unable to sleep. I toss and turn uncomfortably.

(1:13 a.m.)
I almost fall asleep but I here a loud noise and I jolt back awake. I look to see my knife had slid out from its hiding place.

(3:22 a.m.)
I feel awful, and I drank way too much. I'm also way to hot, but when I pull the covers off I feel like I'm in that place where snowdin and waterfall meet. Really icy and freezing cold.

(5:03 a.m.)
There's no way in hell I'm making it to work.

(6:35 a.m.)
I finally drifted off to sleep.

I wake up with a horrible hangover. I lay there for a bit looking at the door.

(I love and hate this one at the same time

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(I love and hate this one at the same time.)

I sit up and immediately throw up off to the side. I get out of bed and run to the bathroom.

(A few minutes after)

I finally stopped puking. I fucking hate that feeling so much. The feeling of not being able to stop. Even if you really want to. I head back to my room and lay back in my bed. I spend a few minutes just staring at the ceiling. I'm starving. I haven't eaten anything Since yesterday, but I don't wanna get up. I roll over onto my side and stare that the door again. Maybe just a quick bite, then I'll come back. I put on a big t-shirt and head downstairs. That's weird, stretch isn't here. I open the fridge and dig around in there but nothing interests me. I look in the cupboards, nothing. I sigh and sit at the table. I'm sooooo hungry! My stomach growls telling me to eat something, anything.

(After digging around in the kitchen for ages later)

I'm sitting on my bed eating a big bowl of mint chip ice cream. I know this isn't food but I don't think I can eat anything yet. My phone dings and I look to see Ink texting me.

Ink: Hey blue did you leave a note on my door?

Me: yea

Ink: That's so cool! How long did it take?

Me: somewhere around three months

Ink: mind if I stop by sometime?

Me: sure, paps not here

Ink: k, see you in a bit ;)

I put my phone back on the table and finish my ice cream. Wait, INKS COMING OVER?! Not now! Not with me like this. And that creep is probably still here!

920 words, cliff hanger. kinda short but whatever. Also I not sure what to do next. U can leave some suggestions if u want please. Luv u all, bai! Also it's 4:11 a.m. =^•w•^=

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