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Morning's, Bella has always despised being woken up at the ass crack of dawn in the morning, the sounds of annoying birds cawing as they passed and shitted all over everyone's cars in the vicinity, and the loud roars of lawnmowers going off all across the culdesac because apparently having the best cut grass was a top priority in Phoenix Arizona?

I mean come do people not understand how hot it is the grass barely grows as it is and they just want to make it even more dead and lifeless with all their weed whackers and pesticides. No wonder the worst day of my life started off on a shitty Monday morning at the ass crack of dawn.

     "ISABELLA MARIE SWAN !!, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN HERE ?!" The sounds of her mother's shrill high pitched voice and her door damn near cracking against the wall jolts Bella up out of her sleep as she falls onto the floor glaring at the offending covers that decided to trap her legs in them causing her demise. She quickly takes in her surroundings and notices that she's still half-naked from the night before and that Angel is in her bed similarly undressed and blissfully unaware of Renee's wrath.

     " Wait i- I can explain," Bella says while quickly throwing on a shirt and a pair of basketball shorts, she groans internally taking in taking in the beautiful naked body of her best friend Angel, yes naked, they had been doing this friend with benefits thing for two years now with her mother being none the wiser of Bellas sexuality... until now of course. Her mother had already hated everything gay and had preached to Bella multiple times about how she dressed and how she was possibly damning her soul to eternal damnation... Fucking drama queen. She knew her mother wouldn't allow her within 10 feet of Angel now that she knows that they are sleeping together.

Bella looks up to see Phil peek his head in the room as he throws her a discrete thumbs up. Unfortunately, Renee also noticed this and turned the glare of a thousand hot suns on him.

"Errr... Okay, bye now" Phil pauses and rushes down the hallway, he knew better than to interfere with what was about to happen.

Bella honestly doesn't know how her mother pulled a guy like Phil with her evil ass attitude and the stick that's constantly stuck up her ass, Phil was always considerate towards Bella and has never batted an eyelash when she started to prefer men's clothing and watch the games with him on the weekend, or even when she got into playing basketball to ger rid of her clumsiness. A passionate soul stuck with her demon of a mother.

" why can't you just be normal Isabella, why must you continue to be something that is disgusting in my eyes and the lords" At this point, Bella is only half-listening to her mother and more worried about when the hell Angel would wake up, like seriously she could sleep through a tsunami if it ever happened.

" Mom do we really need to do this right now, I mean nows really not the time," Bella says as she gestures to Angels still sleeping form tangled in her covers.
Renee's glare hardens.

"I'll give you time to get yourself sorted and your guest out of my house, and then we're gonna have a serious talk," she says eerily calm as she slams the door of Bellas room behind her causing Angel to stir in her sleep mumbling words.

"Mmmmm... gimme a waffle, Bella" she slurs.
Fed up, Bella hits her over the head with a book from her nightstand waking her up immediately.

"What the fu- Bella what the hell was that for?!" she screams.

"Well it's nice to finally see you awake sleeping beauty, nice to leave me alone to deal with my parents by the way"

" what wait they saw us," Angel asks shocked.

"Yes you dunce, Phil looked fine with everything but my mother is pissed asl, she said she wants you to leave so she can have some serious "talk" being dramatic as always," Bella says as her eyes start to roam up and down Angel's body taking in her blonde hair, green eyes, her freckles, and body. Angel notices and rolls her eyes smiling.


" oh really you didn't say that last night when I was using my tong- oomph" Bella was cut off by a pillow hitting her face and a sly smile from Angel.

"Run" Bella playfully glares and chases Angel into her room bathroom closing the door behind them both.

Hopefully, her mother doesn't do anything too dramatic.


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