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After Angel had left Bella quickly rinses of the scent of Angel and sex from her body, they hadn't meant to do anything but one kiss led to wandering fingers and boom sex. Plus talking to Renee with the scent of sex lingering from her would completely put her body six feet deep in a hollow grave probably filled with acid to make sure she repents and asks for forgiveness.

Hopping out the shower Bella quickly throws on some sweats and a t-shirt while quickly tying her wet auburn hair into a messy bun, she catches her silver eyes glimmering in her reflection and sneers, she'd have to hurry and get brown contacts again if she didn't want to have to deal with the idiots at her school when she first came to phoenix, they teased and bullied her mercilessly until she grew up and taught them that she's not the one to be fucked with.

Making her way downstairs Bella could feel the tension in the air, she walks into the kitchen, she opens the fridge and pours herself a glass of apple juice because let's be honest here, orange juice sucks ass, especially after brushing your teeth. Rubbing her neck nervously she could feel Renee's glare burning holes into her back. Honestly, she wishes she had spent more time with Angel, because honestly since she had already gotten caught she might as well have spent more time this morning between Angel's legs. As crude as the thought was Bella couldn't but smirk, maybe if Renee doesn't kill her she could swing by Angel's house later today.

Flopping down on the couch Bella looks up to meet Renee's glare and Phils soft gaze.

"Bella! I want a clear explanation of what the hell you think you were doing in my damn house" Renee says as she flinches back at her cold tone.

"Renee...." Phil says as he places a calming hand on his Renee's shoulder keeping her from going into another screaming tirade. His wife was definitely a piece of work and hard to handle but he loves her with everything in him all the same.

"R..M- mom I can explain, it really wasn't what it looked like" Bella stutters out, she could feel her damn heart slamming against her rib cage. She really doesn't think the situation is that bad, I mean Angel thought her performance last night and this morning were quite amazing, she even told her after. Bella unintentionally lets a smile grace her face and Renee notices right away, she sneers and slams her hands down on the table in front of them causing Bella's cup of apple juice to spill over onto the floor.

"ISABELLA, I'm going to ask you one more time, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING IN MY HOUSE !!" she bellows out angrily, her eyes glinting deadly like knives in Bella's direction. Bella gulps quickly sending a prayer above to the big guy upstairs and the man downstairs below just for the hell of it.

"We weren't doing anything that you and Phil haven't already done mom," Bella says all too quickly before she could take it back.

"That is no way for a lady to speak nor to act. How dare you act like like- l" her mother angrily stutters trying to find the words.

"Like what mother, a girl who likes other girls, better yet a lesbian since you couldn't bring yourself to say it" Finding some unknown courage from the gods she defends herself against her mother's failing verbal assault.

"Don't disrespect me, Bella, I've told you countless times to not bring those nasty thoughts into my home and yet you continue to push my boundaries and trust with doing these stunts under my roof" she crosses her arms staring at her daughter.

Bella at this point could feel her own temper starting to rise, it's always her in the wrong but when her brother Cory still lived here, he'd drag countless women upstairs to his room treating it like a Brothel instead of getting yelled at he gets a pat on the back and a case of condoms because mommy is not raising any unexpected babies. But when she sleeps with her best friend of 3 years, in her room and has no way of getting pregnant once so ever she gets lectured and verbally abused. What a load of bullshit.

"This isn't fair! You never once yelled at Cory when he brought random women home to his bed. You have your head so far up-!"

"ENOUGH!" her mother cuts off her rant mid-sentence her voice booming off the walls around them echoing in Bella's ears.

" Cory is a man dammit, he's older than you, he will do as he pleases as long as he is a MAN! And sleeps with a WOMAN, as God has intended. As for you if you can't follow my rules in my house then you're leaving because I've had enough of this stubborn rebel act you pull" her mother says as she stands up pulling out her phone.

"M-Mom? What do you mean leaving, Phil?? Say something where am I going?" Bella questions, also standing up as her, Phil just turns away silently shaking his head, even if he wanted to help he had no say in what Renee's decisions were about Bella...

"you're going to live with your Dad, Charlie in Forks Washington, you have 2 days to pack up your things and say your goodbyes," she says, sending out quick messages to Charlie and ordering a plane ticket. Tears start to fall from Bella's eyes as she can tell that she's being serious this time, sure she's threatened to send her away before but she never followed through with it.

"Mom this isn't fair what the hell am I going to do in forks, schools already started and I'm sure Charlie doesn't want a 17-year-old kid randomly pushed on him," she says wiping her tears glaring at her mother who continued to type things on her phone acting like Bella was invisible.

"On the contrary, Charlie has already agreed to let you stay. He's happy to have his delinquent child back in his life, he has an extra room and schools only started for a month. You are smart enough, I doubt you will have any problems catching up." her mother says matter of factly as she shows her the text of charlie excitedly agreeing for her to stay for the year.

Damn Charlie and his nice non-questioning nature.

"Mom, you can't be serious about this" Bella says almost whining she'd do anything at this point to stay.

"I'm serious, if Charlie says that you are behaving yourself then at the end of the school year you may come back" and with that, her mother leaves as Phil pulls Bella into a hug muttering sorry and follows after his wife to calm her down...

"Fucking great... what am I going to tell Angel," Bella says as she begrudgingly goes upstairs starting to plan on what she would take with her.

-Hello all, it's your lovely author here so what did you think of this chapter? Did you hate it? Did you love it? Or do you simply just want me to update again so you can see what happens- cue evil laughter-

Who do you suggest for her to mate with? I'm all for more than one mate to.

What do you think her power is? I bet you all will never guess.

Who all here hates Edward a little too much sometimes but still bears with him like me?

Should she be mated to a Cullen, maybe even mated to her best friend at some point, the Denalis, jane, the queen's, victoria? You guys get the point my story is your oyster.

Well, that's all folks comment plenty you can even message directly, I love reading criticism :)

~your lovely Author NOX.

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