Chapter 5: Golden Eyed supermodels + Edward

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     Bella Rolls out of bed Monday morning with a frown on her face, it was finally here, the day she dreaded, going back into that hell hole called school. She spent all night talking on the phone with Angel and decided that she wasn't going to cause any more trouble than she needed to. Well that's if the citizens of Forks don't get on her nerves.
    She runs in the bathroom brushing her teeth, washing her face and putting on the brown contacts, Charlie had delivered for her yesterday. He's such a good parent, way better than that hell spawn in Phoenix Bella thinks, before pulling on a pair of Acid wash jeans, white air forces, a plain white shirt, and a black jacket to top everything off. Checking out her hair in the mirror she puts it in a messy bun and stares at her eyes for a second, sure the contacts would make life easier, but that doesn't mean she liked having to hide a part of who she was.
  Shrugging her shoulders she grabs her book bag and runs downstairs to the kitchen and immediately she spots Charlie gulping down a cup of coffee and scarfing down a plate of eggs.
    "Jeez dad, did you save any for me caveman?" Bella says as she fixes herself a cup of coffee and makes herself a helping of eggs and toast.
    "Mmrfod Ojn th Stove" Charlie says with a mouth full of eggs.
    " Yes, I gathered that dad, chew your food before it gets stuck in your windpipe old man" She says before she starts eating her own breakfast.
    " So, you ready for your first day Bells" Charlie says as he gets up dumping his plate and cup in the sink.
    "Yea, i have my contacts in so nothing out of the ordinary should happen unless some boys get out of hand" Bella says.
     "Yea call me if that happens, i'm the chief around here, they should be afraid of me" Charlie says while flexing in his police uniform.
    "Yea sure they're gonna be really scared of those guns" Bella says as she puts away her dishes and pinches Charlie's arm as she walks by.
    "That's Abuse Bells!" Charlie yells after her.
    "Yeah elderly abuse!" Bella yells back laughing as she walks out the door looking at her jeep parked in the driveway.
    "How the hell did he even get this delivered here that fast?" She shakes her head before getting in the truck and drives off toward the school blasting Cardi B's song press.
As Bella pulled into the parking lot she could already feel students staring at her and her truck, parking and looking around she could already tell that her truck was a lot more standout-ish then she thought it would be, most of the cars here were of older models. Resting her head on the steering wheel she let out a long sigh, she wasn't prepared to enter the gates of hell just yet, and she missed Angel more than ever now. Looking to the side she jumped back from her door as some weird kid, with bad acne and slicked back hair, was knocking on her window.
"Ummmm yess?" she says as she opens the door and gets out grabbing her bag and locking her door.
"Hi, I'm Eric, the eyes and ears of this place, if you need anything, and specifically a shoulder to cry on, I'm your guy" he explained while stepping into Bellas personal space which frankly made her annoyed.
" Yea no shoulder to cry on needed Eric, i'm gonna head inside"  Bella says as she quickly starts to walk towards the building hoping Eric would get the message. Which he didn't because he followed after her.
" Sooo.. Isabella, I need a photo for the feature, you care to take a few with me, today, after school at my place" Eric says while slinging his arm over her shoulder smiling. Bella quickly pushes him off and turns to him, this little weasel was annoying her and she'd had enough.
" Look Eric, it's Bella for one and two dont touch me again without my permission and three there's no feature capisce?" She says to him leveling him with a hard glare that makes him back up a bit bumping into some random student behind him.
"Uh yea-yea sure see you at lunch Bella" He says while grinning cheekily and jogging away.
"I never said- fucking forget it" she looks around the hallway and makes her way into the schools office.
Inside the office was pretty small, but it served its purpose. There were three desks behind the counter, one of which was manned by a, red-haired woman wearing glasses. She was wearing a purple t-shirt, and blue jeans. Strange for a secretary Bella thought.
The red-haired woman in question looks up. "Can i help you sweetie"
She wasn't bad looking, if Bella overlooked the bright purple shirt that went horribly with her red hair, smirking at the thought, well might as well have a little fun before the classes of hell starts.
    "Yes, you may beautiful" Bella smiles brightly walking up to the office desk. "Well I was looking for the secretary but all I see here is another student. I think"  The secretary's face immediately lights up red as she laughs.
    "Well no dearie i am indeed the secretary, you must be Isabella Swan, the chief's daughter, he's been talking about you non stop all week" she says pulling out some files from a cabinet.
    "All good things I hope," Bella says as she leans against the desk waiting for her schedule and papers.
    "Oh yesss nothing but good things, well here dearie, here's your schedule and a map of the school to help you get around" she hands Bella the schedule smiling brightly.
    "Oh I think you forgot something" Bella says.
    "What is it?" she asks
    "Your name, how am i supposed to tell people about the angel i met in the office"
    "I'm Ms.Cope, it was very nice to meet you Bella" she holds out her hand blushing.
    "Likewise" Bella shakes her hand and makes her way out of the office.
Bella kept her face pulled back into her hood as she walked to the sidewalk, crowded with teenagers. She hated the layout of the school already because all the classes were in different buildings, knowing in the future she'd have to walk through rain and snow to get to them. Looking down at her schedule, it says that she had English with Mr. Mason in building three. Once she got around the cafeteria, building three was easy to spot. A largeblack "3" was painted on a white square on the east corner. Opening the door she felt a bit nervous at the number of eyes that suddenly turned towards her. Holding her head up with pride she walks toward the balding teacher at his desk in the front. She gives him the slip of paper to sign and thankfully he doesn't make her introduce herself; he just points her to an empty desk.

Bella was bored, more bored than she'd ever been in her life, the class was simple and she knew all the books the teacher was talking about, and then there was the annoying girl next to her that wouldn't stop talking, she was easy on the eyes but annoying asl.
    When the bell rings Bella quickly springs up out of her seat only to be stopped by some jock looking guy, with a letterman jacket.
    "Hey, you're Isabella swan right?" he asked.
Bella resists the urge to roll her eyes because everyone keeps walking up to her like they've known her for years.
    "Yea, it's Bella." she says.
"Where's your next class?" he asked.
      "Um, Government, with Jefferson, in building six."
"I'm headed toward building four, I could show you the way..." Definitely over-helpful. "I'm Mike," he added.
"Yea sure.."
We walked back around the cafeteria, to the south buildings by the gym. Mike walked her right to the door, though it was clearly marked.
"Well, good luck," he said as she touched the handle. "Maybe we'll have some other classes together." He sounded hopeful.
She smiled at him vaguely and went inside.
The rest of the morning passed in about the same fashion. Her Trigonometry teacher, Mr. Varner, who she would have hated anyway just because of the subject he taught, was the only one who made her stand in front of the class and introduce herself. She did however make a very cute friend in Angela Weber, a quiet girl at first but she warmed up to Bella quite quickly, it could have been Bellas shameless flirting but she did offer to sit with her and her friends at lunch.
Grabbing her lunch and walking over to Angelas table, where she saw all three of the people who were persistent in knowing her, Jessica, Mike, and Eric along with some other boys named Tyler and Ben and some angry looking girl named Lauren. Sitting down they all said hello.
It was there, sitting in the lunchroom, trying to make conversation with seven curious strangers, that she first saw them.
Her eyes nearly bugged out of her head as 5 freaking models walked into the cafeteria.  Her eyes skipping over the guys she notices the blonde bombshell with an icy glare and the cute pixie like girl literally twirling towards their table. She'd never seen women so sexy in her life besides Angel; she looked down just in case to make sure she wasn't drooling.
"Looks like you already noticed our resident supermodels," Jessica says, making Bella turn to look at her, dragging her eyes away from the beautiful group of strangers.
"Who are they?" she asks, she wanted to know more about the girls rather than the guys but it wouldn't hurt to seem interested for information.
"That's Edward and Emmett Cullen, and Rosalie and Jasper Hale. The one who left was Alice Cullen; they all live together with Dr. Cullen and his wife." Jessica says to her sighing dramatically while batting her eyelashes toward the cullens.
"They're all very nice-looking" Bella says as she lets her eyes roam over the girls' figures. A blonde bombshell and a pixie how yummy Bella thinks smiling. She watches as the guy with reddish hair stares at her with a frown on his face.
"Ay which one is the twins who's staring" Bella says as she leans back in her chair glaring at him. Why was he looking at her so hard?  A loud laugh comes from the giant bodybuilder guy as he leans closer to the blonde.
Hmm seems like she's taken Bella thinks as she watches the red curly hair guy put his arms around the pixie, dammit her too, well this isn't fun anymore.
"Twink ? Are you talking about Edward?!" Jesica asks her as if she had said she was the new age coming of Christ.
"Whatt he looks frail and sick tbh and he has a staring problem apparently" Bella says as she gestures to Edward who was still staring well now glaring at her from his table. At this point all the cullens were turned towards Bella's table and arching her with interest.
"Yeah this is freaky I'm gonna go chill outside I'll catch you all later" Bella says as she hops up from the table waving to her new comrades and Lauren. Today was gonna get weirder she could feel it in her bones.

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