Saying Goodbye..

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"Ahhh... Faster Bella.."

The sound of her moaning beneath me was music to my ears, the trail of hickeys I led down her body to the place she wanted me to touch most was both pleasure and torture for her.

" Bella, please stop teasing me"

I didn't need to be told twice, that needy passion, those breathless moans, the alarm sounding in the background.



Bella jolts awake, throwing her alarm clock against the wall in anger.

"Fucking hell the dream was getting to the good part" she gets out of bed rubbing her eyes; walking over to her closet she picks out a plain white t-shirt and a black pair of skinny jeans throwing them on her bed before she walks into her bathroom. She looked at her reflection, her eyes puffy and red. Her red hair was thrown all over her head and her clothes wrinkled and untidy. Well, it could be worse. she could look like Cory in the mornings. She laughs to herself and proceeds to brush her teeth and wash her face.

Walking out of the bathroom she hears her mother and Phil downstairs chatting away happily.

"Oh yea.. Just act like your not shipping your child away like some amazon package" she mutters before slamming her door purposely.

Bella jumps in place as she gets on her skinny jeans then throws the white shirt over her messy hair. She pulls on her sneakers and pulls her hair into a bun on top of her head before grabbing her phone to text Angel and her keys to her Jeep Liberty off of the dresser.

Bella🥵👅:yoo can I come around now?

Bestieee👑💕: yea what's up why so early.

Bella🥵👅: We gotta talk,some heavy shit went down after you left.

Bestieee👑💕: I'll get the ice cream hurry up and get here<3

Bella🥵👅: Heading your way now, beautiful.

Bestieee👑💕: it's too early for your perversions Bellaaa.

Bella🥵👅: You'll enjoy my perversions today if you're a good girl.

Bestieee👑💕: just hurry and get here loser.

Bella🥵👅: kk

Bella smirks as she goes downstairs into the living room walking past her mother and Phil standing in the living room.

"Where are you going" her mother calls out, not even looking over at her.

How the hell does she even do that? She could probably spot a fly on the back of her own ass, Bella cursed to herself no wanting to get into another argument.

"I'm going over to see Angel, bye" she continues walking towards the door, not turning back.

Renee clenched her fist, her glare boring into the back of her daughter's head, sure she loved both her children to pieces but Bella had always been a handful, especially with that particular trait of hers. She didn't understand why she couldn't just follow the rules of her house, she always had to find some way to rebel against her.

"You will be back here by 10 pm and no later. Or else I'll come to get you myself!" she yells after hearing the front door slam and walks away back to Phil and his never ending baseball stories.

Bella scoffed at her Mother's parting words as she hopped inside her truck, if her mother was anything she was just as stubborn as she is. That was something they both could agree on, once their minds were made up it was hard for them to see anything else then what they set their mind on.

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