Enter Bella Bear

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The seatbelt light on the plane flashed with a little ding noise, Bella knew that she was close to landing. Looking out the window, her hair fell into her face covering her silver eyes from strangers onlooking glances, looking out the window she saw nothing but green forest and mud.

Man this place is really depressing Bella thought. Nonetheless, it's probably still better than living with her mom, especially after the stunt she pulled yesterday when Phil was away practicing at the batting cages with his buddies.

*Flashbook Starts*

Walking into the house after she was supposed to come home last night was nerve-wracking, who knows what her motherhood up her sleeve now that she had disobeyed her once again. What's the worst thing she could do Bella thought as she tried to tiptoe past the living room and upstairs to her room, Renee was already sending her to her dad she can't do much more.

" ISABELLA MARIE SWAN GET YOUR ASS IN HERE NOW!" Bella flinches as she hears her mother yell from the living room.

"How the hell does she keep doing that damnit, i didn't even make a sound" Bella mumbles as she slowly walks into the living room to see her mother standing in the middle of the room like some tv sitcom dad shaking her head in disappointment.

"Yes mom" Bella asks standing in front of her but not too close where she couldn't tuck tail and run if she got annoyed or pushed her mother too far.

"What did i tell you before you left here yesterday" her mother says in a stern voice, it was clear that she was in no mood for jokes but Bella was never really one to not make jokes in bad situations

"You said to go enjoy myself and happily say goodbye to my best friend" Bella says smiling.

"Bella you are on your last straw with me, it's bad enough that you keep hanging with that sl-" she didn't get a chance to finish before Bella starts fuming and cuts her off.

" Watch your mouth, Angel's not a slut, shes my best fucking friend!" her mother was starting to push her buttons, nobody bad mouthed any of her friends not even her mother.

"NO! That's exactly what she is, she triaspes in and out of my house and pretends that I never noticed the obscene behavior you two like to do, IT'S DISGUSTING, IT'S VILE, AND IT'S AGAINST
GOD'S WILL" At this point Renee is yelling so much that spit is starting to fly in Bella's face.

"Whatver it's not your life it's mines, and ill be damned if i turned out to be a homophobic, narcisistic, cunt sniffing, asshole like you!" Bella yells back.


A white stinging heat over takes the side of Bella's face as her head whips to the side, tears stream down her face as she looks back at her mother in shock, she had never been hit by her parents her entire life and she could damn sure hold her own in a fight. Her mother doesn't even look bad about it; she just shakes her head.

"Go upstairs and pack, you're leaving bright and early tomorrow morning, Phil will drive you to the Airport and Charlie will meet you when you land" Renee says as she walks off.

Bella cant even find the words to say anything back, she just goes upstairs and does as she is told, and at night she calls Angel crying, and talks on the phone until she falls asleep.

*Flashback Over*

Staring out the window Bella traces her slightly bruised cheek, she hopes that things would be better here.

After getting off the plane and pushing through a lot of nosy people too busy staring at her eyes to get out the way, Bella had finally reached the baggage claim, she spotted her overly stuffed backpack and suitcase thrown carelessly off to the side. She mumbled a string of curse words, they could have at least had the decency to pick her stuff off the ground after realizing it wasn't theirs. Swinging the book bag across her back and grabbing the suitcase, she made her way outside to the pick up area where she immediately spotted Charlie and his what she had always thought as a badass police cruiser.

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