Of Twinks and Men

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Walking to the outside area of the cafeteria Bella could still feel Edwards beady little eyes following her outside. What was his problem she had t even said anything to her and he's glaring at her like she kicked his fucking dog. Siting down on the outside table she pulls out her phone looking at a text from Angel that instantly put a smile on her face.

Bestiee👑💕: How's it going ? You kill anyone yet🥺 do I need to bring the bail money 😂.

Bella🥵👅: ha ha ha very funny beautiful no you don't need to bring any money everyone's survived the day so far.

Bestiee👑💕: good because you'd be a horrible prisoner, you'd probably try to fuck the women guards for snacks 😭

Bella🥵👅: we both know id do it for free and you know that personally 😏

Bestiee👑💕: do not start you heathen although I really do miss you

Bella🥵👅: I miss you more Angel- I.

" So who's that you're texting that you can't hear the Bell ringing Bells" a man's voice jolts Bella out of her phone and sending her message in complete to Angel.

She turns to see the giant bear like man Emmet Cullen in all his glory stand behind her with a giant grin on his face, he even looked to be bouncing up and down excitedly.

"Holy shit your huge" Bella steps back craning her neck a bit to look up at him, sure with her being 5 '10 she usually didn't have to look up at anyone besides Jacob but this guy made her feel like a dwarf.

"Yeah I get that a lot" he smiles wiggling his eyebrows.

"Ehhh I can guarantee a get that more" Bella smirks back hopping off the table and heading towards the lunchroom.

Emmet guffaws laughing and follows after her, finally someone who went toe to toe with him in crude jokes and humor. Bella watches as Emmet comes up beside her as they walk to her next class biology she also notices that all of the cullens and everyone else had left the lunchroom.

"Thanks for coming out to get me but why did you, shouldn't you had left with your family" Bella asks as they continue their walk down a crowded hallway that seemed to part like the Red Sea at Emmets huge frame. She almost wanted to suck her head and hide at all the whispers erupting in the hallway but her dad didn't raise no quitter.

"It was actually everyone's idea. We saw that you hadn't heard the bell so I just ran out to get you," he said as they stopped in front of her biology.

"Alrighty well thanks Emmet I'll see you around then" Bella holds out her hand for a fist bump and instead Emmet lifts and bear hugs her squeezing the air out of her lungs before letting her down.

"See ya Bella bear!!" He yells as he runs down the hallway to his own class. Honestly Bella didn't know what to think of the guy but he seems like a giant kid and pretty harmless.
Maybe she'd be making some friends after all she thinks as she steps into her biology class immediately spotting that twinky Edward guy from earlier.

Please don't sit me next to him.

Please don't sit me next to him.

For the love of all thats good don't you dare sit me next to him!

"Ahh you're our new Student Isabella Swan, it seems that the only sit is next to mr Cullen, pls go take your seat and ask me if you have any questions about the lesson" Mr Molina says as he gestures to Edward who's damn near foaming at the mouth glaring daggers into Bella's face.

Bella groans and muttering curse words as she walks over and slumps in her seat pushing her chair further away from Edward. She had already done this lab before and had zoned out it whatever the teacher was saying but it felt like her body and mind were going haywire at the thought of her even 5ft by Edward. However as she said earlier she isn't a quitter.

Turning in her chair she looks at Edward dead in his black soulless twinky eyeballs.

"What the fuck is your problem, why are you staring at me all the time" she says in a hushed harsh whisper not wanting to gather the attention of the students and mr Molina.

" What are you, I can't read you at all " he damn near snarls and Bella flinches back. This guys was clearly fucking unhinged.

"dude what are you even on about what do you mean you can't read me are you insane" she says.

"I don't know who you are and why you are here but I don't trust you, stay away from me and my family" he hisses, sounding like a damn animal. Now Bella was starting to feel that inkling more and more that her entire being was in danger and she hated feeling like that she hates feeling helpless.

She leans forward with a human like hiss of her own, she doesn't even question why she let the sound out but it felt right in the moment.

"Listen here you fucking beady eyed bastard idc who you are but you're not gonna force me to stay away from anyone I'll hang out with whoever the hell I want" she leans back a little still glaring at him and she actually sees a slight flinch just as the bell rings, she watches as Edward damn nears flies out of the room and out into the hallway.

"Great making enemies on the first day even after I promised to behave just freaking great" Bella sighs grabbing all her work and bag and makes her way out into the hallway to her last class of the day.

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