A meeting between Red balls

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      Walking into gym class Bella couldn't have been more irritated, Edward Fuck boy Cullen had some serious problems and if he didn't let up soon Bella would be the one to give him the much-needed attitude adjustment. Like seriously who snarls at someone while trying to identify fucking onion roots or whatever her teacher was talking about. As she walks across the gym Bella notices coach Clapp setting up a large net and couldn't be more excited "Dodgeball" is the perfect way to relieve her stress; well the second perfect way, she needs way less clothing for that activity though.

"Hey Swan get over here" Coachclapp calls out to Bella while holding a gym uniform.

Bella walks over to him and kinda stays a few feet away from him, jesus christ has he ever heard of freaking deodorant Bella thought as she fought the reflex to cover her nose with her hand.

"Yes, coach ?" Bella says.

"Here's your uniform, go change, just because you are new here doesn't mean you'll be getting any free days from me," he says pushing the uniform in her direction and walking away he blows his whistle to get the other students to stop tying kids up in the volleyball net.

"He should be more worried about a shower" Bella mutters and jumps in surprise as she notices someone behind her laughing. She turns around to see Emmet and his two sisters and couldn't be more enamored by the two. I mean sure she thinks Emmet isn't that bad looking to look at, honestly, they all look like runway models but she's too gay to even think about men and how they look to her.

"Hey Emmett, You're in this class too" Bella gestures to the two women with him smiling and waiting for a well-needed introduction. She notices that Alice seemed to be more excited to meet her at the way she's bouncing up and down excitedly. Bella's eyes slowly go to the center of Alice's chest and the way it is bouncing along with her and a loud laugh and clap on the back snaps her out of her trance.

"Bella bear this is my sister Alice and my ma-girlfriend Rose" Emmet gestures to them both and says the last part quietly which makes Bella feel kind of protective of him. She doesn't want him to feel like she's going to judge him for dating his adoptive sister, hell love has been found in stranger places. She steps forward grabbing both of their hands and shaking them.

" Nice to meet you both Im Bella" She gives them a cheeky grin and walks back toward the locker room to change into her gym uniform. She doesn't notice the incredulous looks that Alice and Rosalie give her when she doesn't flinch at how cold their hands are while also noticing how hot her hands were, her temperature was running higher than your average human. Bella walks back into the gym and runs to the lineup of sweaty teens, she stands next to Angela smiling, and gives her a wink while moving slightly away from Mike who is drooling on her damn shoulder, he's like a dog in heat.

'Alight listen up were playing dodgeball today and lucky for me we just got a new student so no one will be sitting out today!!" Coach claps yells causing some of the students to cover their ears. Bella could hear some of the students groaning and complaining but she couldn't help but bounce in excitement.

"You ready Bella bear" emmet says as he stands next to yer along with Alice and Rosalie. Again Bella can't help but let her eyes roam before she answers Emmet's question.

"Yeah I've been dying for a good workout since I got here"

"Wanna make a small bet then" Alice steps forward and gives her a cheeky grin as Bella tilts her head to the side in question. "Sure what type of bet," she says.

" if my team wins you have to come over on the weekend and go on a shopping trip with me," Alice says as Bella sighs, she hates shopping, Angel would always shop for hours on end and make her feet her because Bella would have to carry all the extra bags. On the other hand, the thought of spending alone time with a beautiful girl is something she just couldn't pass up.

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