Chapter 8 Part One: Angel and Edweirdo

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It had been days since the incident after gym class with the Cullens and Bella still couldn't get it out of her mind, as she sat at her crowded lunch table listening to mike drone on and on about la pash and how he's apparently a surfing master.

"Omg mikeeee you're so cool" que the rolling of her eyes as she watched Jessica fawn over him twirling her hair and batting her eyelashes, Jessica was a really pretty girl but to see her dumb herself down to garter the attention of Mike and Edward was actually ridiculous.

"So bella you coming with us or not" Jessica asks rousing Bella from her thoughts of disdain.

"Its la push baby la pushhhhh" Mike says again; a fucking golden retriever slash parrot is what he is.

"Only if you stop saying it like that," Bella says as she goes back to stealing glances at Emmet, Rosalie, and Alice.

"God they probably think im some type of weirdo" she mumbled under her breath not knowing that the Cullens could hear her struggle. She ran her hands through her hair frustrated, she hadn't meant to freak out on them but she also hadnt expected the onslaught of memories that forced their way to the forefront of her mind when emmet asked about her eyes. She wanted to apologize for her outburst but couldn't find the nerve to. Bellas wasn't used to second-guessing herself anymore or hiding in a shell, she grew out of that a long time ago when the world taught her that even as a child only the strong could survive.

The buzzing from her phone knocked her out of her thoughts once again as she looked down to see her best friend texting her. She immediately grinned like a Cheshire cat, she missed Angel alot, way more than she had let on, not constantly having her presence was unsettling because it felt like a part of her was missing every time they were apart for too long. For a while Bella deluded herself into thinking that she missed her so much because they were best friends or because they had really amazing sex all the time but deep down she knew it was something deeper than that.

Bestieee👑💕: Bellaaaaa i miss your ugly mug '-'

Bella🥵👅: ugly?

Bestieee👑💕: shut up you know youre sexy as hell,

Bella🥵👅: good girl

Bestieee👑💕: Dont start, youre not here to help me.

Bella🥵👅: Thats exactly why im teasing you.

Bestieee👑💕: .....

Bestieee👑💕: *5 attachments*

Bestieee👑💕: well i guess ill finish myself with my imagination.

Bella felt her throat go dry and her heart quickened as a familiar thrum rang throughout her body as she swiped through the pictures Angel sent her.


That was all Bellas brain could register looking at Angel's body, she was so fucking beautiful and the thoughts running through her mind , and set a familiar pulse down below, shed be damned if she sat here and suffered through it. Her face began to flush red alerting Mike who curiously asked her what she was looking at, she smirked showing him the messages between her and Angel and laughed as his eyes got wide and he choked on his water sputtering and blushing.

"W-what?!" He exclaims as the others look at him in question and Bella just shrugs her shoulders as her phone starts to ring. It's Angel, she smirks and hurriedly packs up her things answering her phone.

"Bella...ah..ahhhh" her pulse jumps as she leaves the lunchroom heading to her car, Charlie would just have to understand I mean he'd do the same thing if it was Sue calling him she thinks and quickly dismisses the thought scrunching up her face as she reverses out of the school parking lot, onto the main road listening to Angels moans as she talks her through multiple orgasms.*****
*Back in the lunchroom at the Cullen table*

All of them wash as Bella's scent changes and intensifies as she answers the phone for her friend Angel.

"Well thats gonna take some getting used to" Jasper says as he fidgets in his sit as Alice rubs a calming hand on his shoulder, little did she know her touch was making his "situation" worst.

"Eddy Look! Look at Mike what did she just show him whats he thinking" Emmet says shaking Edward's shoulder. Edward grimaces and turns towards his family clearly uncomfortable.

"Id rather not" he says being a prude.

" that means it had something to do with sex, we all know ed cant handle those thoughts" Emmet laughs loudly causing Rosalie to smack him on the back of his neck.

"Why are you so loud? And with a smell like that, we all know what type of thoughts she was having" Rosalie says hiding her smile behind her magazine, this was the first human shes encountered whos scent didnt drive her thirst and that doesn't smell horrendous when it came arousal. Honestly the only one of them who even had a problem with human arousal was Edward because hes a prude who was stuck in the year he died and maybe Jasper because everyone emotions heightened his own. Vampires are thought to be monogamous because they all have mates but after living for over 100 years stepping outside of your mated pair with a human or another vampire was pretty common as long as you and your mate were okay with it. Rosalie has had her flings with women hell alot of them included Alice, the things she could do while seeing the future amazed women and Rosalie alike. Just how emmet had his flings with men and even Jasper, because let's be honest the only person that could tame emmet besides Rosalie is Jasper. They had all stepped outside their mated pair besides Esme and Carlisle but Rosalies pretty sure the googly eyes Esme made at Tanya had her wanting to explore. Then theirs Edward whos waiting for his mate so that they can be devoted to one another for the rest of their lives in soulless death, his words, not hers.

"Damn whoever she's talking to must really really miss her" Emmer snickers as they watch as Bella rushes out of the lunchroom to her car pulling out in a hurry. Jasper gets up looking to Alice and she nods with a smile causing Jasper to turn towards emmet, grab him and drag him out of the cafeteria laughing loudly.

Rosalie gives her a smirk and rolls her eyes.

"Please tell him to return my monkey man in one piece this time, i cant console him tonight i have a car to work on" She says continuing to flip through her magazine. Alice looks unfocused for a second and laughs as she comes out of her vision.

"It looks like your gonna be putting that on hold for a bit he's gonna be sore" Alice says and Rosalie rolls her eyes.

"Hes always trying to top Jasper, i keep telling him it's never gonna happen," Rosalie says as her and Alice both just sit going back and forth about their mates until Edward starts to grumble and whine about how mated pairs should only be devoted to eacho0ther and shouldn't ever sleep with anyone else.

"Edward there are vampires who have been alive for 500+ years and you want them to only be around each other and only fuck each other" Alice says trying to get him to see some type of realization that they are vampires, creatures of the night, they don't have to follow human monogamous standards.

" You should only ever see your partner its a sin to be filled with lust" he says as Alice and Rosalie both hit their heads on the table in frustration knowing that he was starting one of his long rants about how their souls already cant be saved and that they should hurry and repent and live in the cloth of god. Just as he gets into his monologue the bell rings and Alice and Rosalie both spring up from the lunch table leaving him there talking to himself. 

Authors Note: Hi Guys........

Please put away the knives and guns i won't disappear again.....

at least not until Chapter 12

Byeeeeeeee *swiftly runs away in a cloud of glitter*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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