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I have a summer in Paris and I want nothing more than to hit the rewind button. I wish I didn't care, but here I am sitting outside in Paris reading Gossip Girl. It's not like she's giving me something. It's just a waste of my time. "Your cute waiter gave me his number." I looked up as Serena sat down across from me. "Lena, what are you doing? We said we wouldn't check Gossip girl all summer."

I shrugged. "Summer's almost over."

Serena sighed. "So what does it say about Chuck?"

"I couldn't be less interested." I stated tossing my phone at the table. Serena gave me a look and I sighed. "No new posts. He's been M.I.A. since he left town in spring." I let out a deep breath looking away from her. "I'm sure he's fine." I spoke under my breath hating the fact that I'm worried.

"And what does it say about us?" Serena asked and I looked at her.

"Basically, we are in Paris and your flame is hotter than mine." I sighed. "Everyone knows that the only guy who's been in my pants all summer is the tailor at Pierre Balmain."

"And whose fault is that?" Serena asked and I rolled my eyes. "Hey, just as many guys have flirted with you. I just happen to have a thing for french waiters."

"And bartenders and museum docents, anyone on a vespa or bicycle, or wearing Zadig & Voltaire."

Serena sighed. "Lena, what's wrong? I thought you were having fun."

"I am. The best." I paused letting out a deep breath. "But all summer, I've been sitting in front of my favorite Manet and reading Colette in the park, hoping that I'll lock eyes with somebody who's doing the same thing as me and feeling the same things I am."

"That's really romantic."

"But, alas, not effective. For all my efforts, I'm heading back home with a Chuck-sized cloud over my head. And I don't even need to find a great love. I just wanna go on one nice date."

"Well, then this calls for some more Sancerre." Serena stood up, holding out her hand to me. "Come on. I know a great wine bar down the street, and it happens to have a very cute bartender." I smiled, taking her hand and walking away.

After a beautiful day of shopping, we made it back to Eleanor's. We set our bags down and walking over to sit down. "What decision?" Serena asked. "It's not mine to make. Nate broke up with me, and Dan was trying to patch things up with Vanessa."

"Well, I'm not asking you to make predictions about them. It's about you, what's in your heart. At night when you're falling asleep, what are you wishing for?"

"When you asked me on this trip, you promised me retail therapy. I fall asleep thinking about guys named Louboutin and Laurent." Serena laid her head back. "Home doesn't exist until we're there."

I reached over picking up the mail on the table. I noticed a large one with Serena's name. "Speaking of home. Judging from its weight and size, I'd say it's your course catalogue from Brown." I stated handing it over to her.

"I'll let you know when I open it." Serena said and I stood up.

"I'm gonna miss you when you're in Providence." I stated before walking away going back to my bedroom.


I stood in front of a Manet. I wasn't going to come, but one last time won't hurt. "You like Manet?" I heard a man ask in French.

"I adore it." I replied fluently. I looked over to see a rather handsome man standing behind me. "My name is Lena."

"Louis. Nice to meet you." I smiled at him before looking back at the painting. "I've seen you here before. You're so beautiful. I had to gather my courage to talk to you."

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