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I was walking through campus with Blair and Serena with the minions following us. I do admire Blair's way of making grown women follow her around carrying her books. "Well, the good thing about no Gossip Girl, no Chuck." I stated and looked over at Serena. "What about you? You're the one who has to start college with an ex-boyfriend loose on campus."

"Oh, there won't be any issues. Nate and I are still friends, even if he is dating some gorgeous blonde named Juliet." Serena said and Blair scoffed.

"Oh, please. You are Serena Van Der Woodsen. We've been on campus what, five minutes? I bet there's already an entire frat house filled with guys fighting over you."

"And don't worry. My jealousy issues are as over as surf fabrics for evening wear. Besides, we're carrying on our divide and conquer strategy from Paris." I stated and Serena chuckled as she nodded.

"But where will our neutral meeting ground be? Hot & crusty will not possibly do after Cafe Louis-Philippe." Serena said.

"But Hamilton house will." Blair stated.

"So they do have a Columbia chapter. You know, I always suspected Nate was a member, but he would never fess up." Serena stated.

"He was right not to. Our membership is so restricted they make SoHo house look like a halfway house." I pointed out.

"You are a member!" Blair shouted smacking my arm.

I put my hand over where she hit. "Ow!" I rubbed my arm. "Yes, and instead of my priorities being my boyfriend like they were last year, I can focus more on my social calendar."

"So then how do we apply?" Serena asked.

"You don't. Incoming students are selected by an anonymous board of alumni. If you dare to think you were chosen, you have to find the key master on the first day of class. Either a key or white-hot shame awaits you." Blair smiled as we made it to the house.

"Then let's go receive our new accessories." Serena stated and I led them inside of the house.

We walked into the house to see girls moving around. I looked at their faces and Blair looked amazing and Serena looked a little unsure. I mean, Blair did run college. "Wow, and I thought college was gonna be different than high school." Serena stated.

"Who would want that?" Blair asked.

"Sorry, but this is a private club." We all looked over to see Penelope standing on the stairs. "No has-beens allowed."

"Penelope. Good to see you, too. Long time. Clearly, standards have slipped if you're a member here. To whom should I speak to have you removed once we get our keys?" Blair asked.

"The wall. My great-aunt- she was a founding member." Penelope pointed at the wall.

"Ah. Nepotism. Doesn't that explain a lot?" I asked, looking at Blair. "Follow me." I led them into the room.

Blair slightly touched my arm. "Those two? We're so in."

The key master was sitting on the chair and she looked back at us, standing up. "Oh, no, it's her." Serena said and I looked at her confused.

"You know the key master? That's perfect." Blair said.

"Well, maybe." Serena stated.

"We're here to get our keys. Blair Waldorf, Serena Van Der Woodsen." Blair stated.

"Hi. We've met." Serena said.

"I'm sorry. We have?" She asked.

"At Dan Humphrey's, with Nate." Serena said and I finally put it together. Juliet. Nate's girlfriend.

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