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In the morning, I busted into Serena's bedroom and she was laying in her bed with her laptop on her lap. "Please, come in." Serena said, smirking at me.

I walked over, dropping one of my two clipboards next to her. "Serena, we have a party to set up and under no circumstances can anything go wrong." I stated and Serena looked at the clipboard.

Serena turned her laptop, showing it to me. I looked and it was a schedule list of places and times. "Well, last night I pulled out my inner Lena and sent them each an itinerary to make sure they are as far away from us as possible."

"You know, us blondes get a bad wrap, but we are genius."

"Got that right." I turned around, sitting at the end of the bed and pulling out my phone. I had phone calls to make and a party to set up.

This party is going to be here at my penthouse, all the guests have been notified, and all the decorations, food, flowers, and game prizes were on their way. Watching Rosa and Dorota order people around to make sure everything was perfect was like watching the dramatic part of a soap opera. This is going to be perfect.


Everything was set up and everyone that was supposed to be here was. All that was left was for Blair and Sebastian to show up. I noticed them and got Serena's attention. "Oh my God, look at this!" Blair cheered, looking around at the party in awe.

Serena and I walked over to them. "Congratulations!" We cheered and Serena hugged Blair before hugging Sebastian.

"You guys, this is amazing!" Blair cheered, hugging me.

"This really is." Sebastian said and I hugged him next.

"We're glad that we could do this for you." I stated, leading them into the party to get them each a drink of Blair's favorite champagne.

After everyone had settled into the party, I moved onto the platform clicking my glass to get everyone's attention for my maid of honor speech. "I want to thank everyone for coming. We are all here to celebrate the engagement of Blair and Sebastian." I introduced and everyone clapped for the happy couple. "Now, I had this whole speech put together about how great they are together and how Sebastian was nothing until he got together with Blair, but we already know that." People chuckled and I looked over to Sebastian and Blair. "We know that because of the way they look at each other. The look most people never get. The look when you meet your soulmate. You guys have that and I wish you both the best life together." I lifted my glass. "To Blair and Sebastian." We all cheered for them and I stepped down from the podium.

Blair smiled at me. "That was beautiful." She hugged me.

"I love you guys." I said before hugging Sebastian again too. I'm just so glad they get to have the party they deserve. Next is the wedding.

People were leaving and I have to say this was a very successful party. I was sitting on the bench near the entrance watching people leave. "You sure know how to throw a party." Chuck said and I smiled at him.

"Yup, and I know exactly how this is going to end." I stated and Chuck smirked.


It was early in the morning seeing stars as I gripped the sheets slowly coming down from my peak. Then the door flew open and I opened my eyes to see Serena walking into my bedroom. "I need to talk. I'm having Colin issues." Serena sighed.

"And boundary issues. Ladies knock. And besides, the only issue you should be having with Professor Forrester is the topic of your midterm. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to hit the snooze button on this conversation and go back to-" I was stopped when she sat down in my bed next to me.

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