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Rose walked into my room with a radio to play the news. Like I wanna listen to how hard Lily's life is right now. 'The Van Der Woodsen family is no stranger to the tabloids, but this time it appears the mother of all scandals surrounds the mother. Sources say that Lily Humphrey could be facing up to ten years in prison for forgery and obstruction of justice.'

"Turn that off." I demanded and she listened. "And leave me alone, Rose. I've taken to my bed." I pulled the covers higher over me.

"I thought hearing someone has life worse than yours would help."

"Well, your job isn't to think. It's to serve. So if I need your help, I'll ring the bell." I heard Rose curse something Russian as she walked out of the room. That's why my bells always seem to go missing.

It was a couple of hours later when I rung the bell. Rose walked in with a tray of food. "Take that away, Rose! I can't eat. I only rang to tell you to call the doctor. I think I have consumption."

She sighed, setting the door down on my desk. "Consumption not since 19th century. They have vaccine."

"Well, then I'm dying of malaise."

"You are not dying of anything." Rose walked over sitting on the side of my bed. "Now, you want to tell me what this is about?"

"It's about the truth. Something happened recently that revealed my future, and I've been hiding ever since 'cause I don't want to deal with it." My phone started ringing and I saw my mom's name, picking it up. "Hey, mom."

"Hi, sweetheart, I have news." She sounded excited about something.

"What news?"

"The New York portions of Taschen's 'Modern Royalty' book is happening today."

"I know all about it. Serena's in it."

"So are we." Great. Now I'm going to have to get out of bed. "They wanna honor your Grams by putting her family in it."

"I'll be there within the hour." I hung up the phone letting out a deep breath. "Why does the world hate me?" I asked and I saw Rose roll her eyes standing up off the bed.


I made it to the photoshoot and Blair was already there with Alanna. Alanna was holding William, who was dressed in an adorable baby suit. "This is going to be so much fun." Blair stated.

"I'm just amazed they are letting me in it." Alanna stated. "Pregnant out of wedlock isn't really something you would think they would photograph."

"They would be dumb not to." I stated crossing my arms. "Grams would probably rise from the dead."

"Plus, even a blind squirrel finds a nut eventually." Blair stated, cooing at William getting him to smile at her.

I looked over to see someone with a clipboard standing outside of the room. "I'll be right back." I stated walking over to him. "Excuse me. Who will Chuck Bass be taking his photo with?"

He looked at his list before answering. "Chuck Bass will be shot by himself."

"All by himself? He has an uncle."

He shook his head. "Not in this shoot. Chuck Bass is representing his family all alone." He said before walking away. I don't like that. I don't like him doing a family photo all alone. He shouldn't be alone. He won't be alone.

I sent a quick text to Rose before I walked away from the dressing room going through the different photoshoots to see if I could find Chuck. But instead, I was blessed with seeing Vanessa. I swear I did something horrible in a past life. "Great, you would be here to ruin a good time." I stated, getting her to look at me.

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